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A template engine for Rust based on Jinja2/Django


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Tera is a template engine based on Jinja2 and the Django template language.

While Tera is inspired by the engines above, it doesn't aim to be a complete port of one of the other.

Example of a simple template file:

    <title>{{ }}</title>
    <h1>{{ | upper }} - {{ product.manufacturer }}</h1>
    <p>{{ product.summary }}</p>
    <p>ÂŁ{{ product.price * 1.20 }} (VAT inc.)</p>
    {% if friend_reviewed %}
      <p>Look at reviews from your friends {{ username }}</p>
      {% if number_reviews > 10 or show_more %}
        <p>All reviews</p>
        {% for review in reviews %}
          {% for paragraph in review.paragraphs %}
            <p>{{ paragraph }}</p>
          {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% elif number_reviews == 1 %}
        <p>Only one review</p>
      {% endif %}
    {% else %}
      <p>None of your friend reviewed this product</p>
    {% endif %}


The primary method of using Tera will load and parse all the templates in the given glob.

Let's take the following directory as example.


Assuming the rust file is at the same level as the templates folder, we would parse the templates that way:

use tera::Tera;

// Use globbing
let tera = compile_templates!("templates/**/*");

The compile_templates! macro will try to parse all files found in the glob. If errors are encountered, it will print them and exit the process.

If you don't want to exit the process on errors, you can call the Tera::new method and handle errors directly. Compiling templates is a step is also meant to only be ran once: use something like lazy_static to have the tera variable as a global static in your app. See examples/ for an example.

Sometimes you will want to load a template via strings instead of parsing files. This is also supported in Tera:

let mut tera = Tera::default();
// adding only one template
tera.add_template("my_template.html", "{{ hello }}").expect("Couldn't add template");
// adding several templates
    ("my_template.html", "{{ hello }}"),
    ("another_template.html", "My template body"),
]).expect("Couldn't add templates");

Tera will return an error if a parsing error occurred or if an error happened while building the inheritance chain, such as a missing template.

If no errors happened while parsing any of the files, you can now render a template like so:

use tera::Context;

let mut context = Context::new();
context.add("product", &product);
context.add("vat_rate", &0.20);

tera.render("products/product.html", context);

Notice that the name of the template is based on the root of the template directory given to the Tera instance. Context takes any primitive value or a struct that implements the Serialize trait from serde_json.

If the data you want to render implements the Serialize trait, you can bypass the context and render the value directly:

// product here is a struct with a `name` field
tera.value_render("products/product.html", &product);

// in product.html
{{ name }}

Note that this method only works for objects that would be converted to JSON objects, like structs and maps.

Want to render a single template? For example a user given one? Tera provides the one_off function for that.

// The last parameter is whether we want to autoescape the template or not.
// Should be true in 99% of the cases for HTML
let context = Context::new()
// add stuff to context
let result = Tera::one_off(user_tpl, context, true);

If you want to render a single template using a context that is already serializable (for example a struct deriving Serialize), you can use the Tera::value_one_off method.

// The last parameter is whether we want to autoescape the template or not.
// Should be true in 99% of the cases for HTML
let result = Tera::value_one_off(user_tpl, &user, true);


By default, autoescaping is turned on for files ending in .html, .htm and .xml. You can change that by calling Tera::autoescape_on with a Vec of suffixes. Suffixes don't have to be extensions.

let mut tera = compile_templates!("templates/**/*");
tera.autoescape_on(vec!["email.j2", ".sql"]);

Note that calling autoescape_on will remove the defaults. If you want to completely disable autoescaping, simply call tera.autoescape_on(vec![]);.

Template writer documentation


You can access variables of the context by using the {{ my_variable_name }} construct. You can access attributes by using the dot (.) like {{ }}. You can access specific members of an array or tuple by using the .i notation where i is a zero-based index.

You can also do some maths: {{ product.price + 10 }}. If product.price is not a number type, the render method will return an error.


Conditionals are fully supported and are identical to the ones in Python.

{% if price < 10 or always_show %}
   Price is {{ price }}.
{% elif price > 1000 and not rich %}
   That's expensive!
{% else %}
{% endif %}

Undefined variables are considered falsy. This means that you can test for the presence of a variable in the current context by writing:

{% if my_var %}
    {{ my_var }}
{% else %}
    Sorry, my_var isn't defined.
{% endif %}

Every if statement has to end with an endif tag.


Loop over items in a array:

{% for product in products %}
  {{loop.index}}. {{}}
{% endfor %}

A few special variables are available inside for loops:

  • loop.index: current iteration 1-indexed
  • loop.index0: current iteration 0-indexed
  • loop.first: whether this is the first iteration
  • loop.last: whether this is the last iteration

Every for statement has to end with an endfor tag.


Tera will consider all text inside the raw block as a string and won't try to render what's inside. Useful if you have text that contains Tera delimiters.

{% raw %}
  Hello {{ name }}
{% endraw %}

would be rendered:

Hello {{ name }}


Tera uses the same kind of inheritance as Jinja2 and Django templates: you define a base template and extends it in child templates through blocks. There can be multiple levels of inheritance (i.e. A extends B that extends C).

Base template

A base template typically contains the basic document structure as well as several blocks that can have content.

For example, here's a base.html almost copied from the jinja documentation:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    {% block head %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    <title>{% block title %}{% endblock title %} - My Webpage</title>
    {% endblock head %}
    <div id="content">{% block content %}{% endblock content %}</div>
    <div id="footer">
        {% block footer %}
        &copy; Copyright 2008 by <a href="http://domain.invalid/">you</a>.
        {% endblock footer %}

The only difference with Jinja2 is that the endblock tags have to be named. This base.html template defines 4 block tag that child templates can override. The head and footer block have some content already which will be rendered if they are not overridden.

Child template

Again, straight from Jinja2 docs:

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Index{% endblock title %}
{% block head %}
    {{ super() }}
    <style type="text/css">
        .important { color: #336699; }
{% endblock head %}
{% block content %}
    <p class="important">
      Welcome to my awesome homepage.
{% endblock content %}

To indicate inheritance, you have use the extends tag as the first thing in the file followed by the name of the template you want to extend. The {{ super() }} variable call tells Tera to render the parent block there.

Nested blocks are valid in Tera, consider the following templates:

// grandparent
{% block hey %}hello{% endblock hey %}

// parent
{% extends "grandparent" %}
{% block hey %}hi and grandma says {{ super() }} {% block ending %}sincerely{% endblock ending %}{% endblock hey %}

// child
{% extends "parent" %}
{% block hey %}dad says {{ super() }}{% endblock hey %}
{% block ending %}{{ super() }} with love{% endblock ending %}

The block ending is nested in the hey block. Rendering the child template will do the following:

  • Find the first base template: grandparent
  • See hey block in it and checks if it is in child and parent template
  • It is in child so we render it, it contains a super() call so we render the hey block from parent, which also contains a super() so we render the hey block of the grandparent template as well
  • See ending block in child, render it and also renders the ending block of parent as there is a super()

The end result of that rendering (not counting whitespace) will be: "dad says hi and grandma says hello sincerely with love".


You can include a template to be rendered using the current context with the include tag.

{% include "included.html" %}

Tera doesn't offer passing a custom context to the include tag. If you want to do that, use macros.


Macros are a simple way to reuse template bits. Think of them as functions that you can call and return some text.

They are defined as follows:

{% macro input(label, type) %}
        {{ label }}
        <input type="{{type}}" />
{% endmacro hello_world %}

In order to use them, you need to import the file containing the macros:

{% import "macros.html" as macros %}

You can name that file namespace (macros in the example) anything you want. A macro is called like this:

// namespace::macro_name(**kwargs)
{{ macros::input(label="Name", type="text") }}

Do note that macros, like filters, require keyword arguments. If you are trying to call a macro defined in the same file or itself, you will need to use the self namespace. Macros can be called recursively but there is no limit to recursion so make sure you macro ends.

Here's an example of a recursive macro:

{% macro factorial(n) %}
  {% if n > 1 %}{{ n }} - {{ self::factorial(n=n-1) }}{% else %}1{% endif %}
{% endmacro factorial %}

Macros body can contain all normal Tera syntax with the exception of macros definition, block and extends.


Tests can be used against a variable to check some condition on the variable. Perhaps the most common use of variable tests is to check if a variable is defined before its use to prevent run-time errors. Tests are made against variables in if blocks using the is keyword. For example, to test if user is defined, you would write:

{% if user is defined %}
... do something with user ...
{% else %}
... don't use user here ...
{% end %}

Note that testers allow expressions, so the following is a valid test as well:

{% if my_number + 1 is odd %}
{% endif %}

Tests are functions with the fn(Option<Value>, Vec<Value>) -> Result<bool> type and custom ones can be registered like so:

tera.register_tester("odd", testers::odd);

Here are the currently built-in testers:


Returns true if the given variable is defined.


Returns true if the given variable is undefined.


Returns true if the given variable is an odd number.


Returns true if the given variable is an even number.


Returns true if the given variable is a string.


Returns true if the given variable is a number.


Returns true if the given expression is divisible by the arg given.


{% if rating is divisibleby 2 %}
{% endif %}


Returns true if the given variable can be iterated over in Tera (ie is an array/tuple).


Variables can be modified by filters before being rendered. Filters are separated from the variable by a pipe symbol (|) and may have named arguments in parentheses. Multiple filters can be chained: the output of one filter is applied to the next.

For example, {{ name | lower | replace(from="doctor", to="Dr.") }} will take a variable called name, make it lowercase and then replace instances of doctor by Dr.. It is equivalent to replace(lower(name), from="doctor", to="Dr.") if we were to look at it as functions.

Note that calling filters on a incorrect type like trying to capitalize an array will result in a error.

Filters are functions with the fn(Value, HashMap<String, Value>) -> Result<Value> type and custom ones can be added like so:

tera.register_filter("upper", string::upper);

Tera has currently the following filters built-in:


Lowercase a string


Returns number of words in a string


Returns the string with all its character lowercased apart from the first char which is uppercased.


Takes 2 mandatory string named arguments: from and to. It will return a string with all instances of the from string with the to string.

Example: {{ name | replace(from="Robert", to="Bob")}}


Adds slashes before quotes.

Example: {{ value | addslashes }}

If value is "I'm using Tera", the output will be "I'm using Tera".


Transform a string into ASCII, lowercase it, trim it, converts spaces to hyphens and remove all characters that are not numbers, lowercase letters or hyphens.

Example: {{ value | slugify}}

If value is "-Hello world! ", the output will be "hello-world".


Capitalizes each word inside a sentence.

Example: {{ value | title}}

If value is "foo bar", the output will be "Foo Bar".


Tries to remove HTML tags from input. Does not guarantee well formed output if input is not valid HTML.

Example: {{ value | striptags}}

If value is "Joel", the output will be "Joel".


Returns the first element of an array. If the array is empty, returns empty string.


Returns the last element of an array. If the array is empty, returns empty string.


Joins an array with a string.

Example: {{ value|join:" // " }}

If value is the array ['a', 'b', 'c'], the output will be the string "a // b // c".


Returns the length of an array or a string, 0 if the value is not an array. // TODO: return an error instead to be consistent?


Returns a reversed string or array.


Percent-encodes a string.

Example: {{ value | urlencode }}

If value is "/foo?a=b&c=d", the output will be "/foo%3Fa%3Db%26c%3Dd".

Takes an optional argument of characters that shouldn't be percent-encoded (/ by default). So, to encode slashes as well, you can do {{ value | urlencode(safe="") }}.


Returns a suffix if the value is greater or equal than 2. Suffix defaults to s

Example: You have {{ num_messages }} message{{ num_messages|pluralize }}

If num_messages is 1, the output will be You have 1 message. If num_messages is 2 the output will be You have 2 messages. You can specify the suffix as an argument that way: {{ num_messages|pluralize(suffix="es") }}


Returns a number rounded following the method given. Default method is common which will round to the nearest integer. ceil and floor are available as alternative methods. Another optional argument, precision, is available to select the precision of the rounding. It defaults to 0, which will round to the nearest integer for the given method.

Example: {{ num | round }} {{ num | round(method="ceil", precision=2) }}


Returns a human-readable file size (i.e. '110 MB') from an integer.

Example: {{ num | filesizeformat }}


Parse a timestamp into a date(time) string. Defaults to YYYY-MM-DD format. Time formatting syntax is inspired from strftime and a full reference is available on chrono docs.

Example: {{ ts | date }} {{ ts | date(format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")


Escapes a string's HTML. Specifically, it makes these replacements:

  • & is converted to &amp;
  • < is converted to &lt;
  • is converted to &gt;

  • " (double quote) is converted to &quot;
  • ' (single quote) is converted to &#x27;
  • / is converted to &#x27;
  • ` is converted to &#96;


A template engine for Rust based on Jinja2/Django







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  • Rust 95.4%
  • HTML 4.6%