This is a "from scratch" Machine Learning implementation with no dependencies except for Python and pytest. So obviously a bit slower than using highly optimized Tensorflow, Pytorch, numpy or pandas.
Why? I wrote this for fun, but also to ensure I understood the lower-level details of implementating a Deep Neural Network.
It's not recommended to run this in production, or anywhere for that matter, unless you have a lot of time to kill. Surprisingly though, it was not as slow as I was expecting.
Training uses the MNIST Database of Handwritten Digits.
Image by Josef Steppan - CC BY-SA 4.0
- Input layer for the 28x28 grayscale pixel images
- 2 full-connected 32 unit hidden layers with ReLU activation
- Output layer using Softmax activation to 10 classes (0-9)
- Mini-batch Gradient Descent
- Back propagation
- Gradient checking
- Input data normalization (0 to 255 => 0.0 to 0.1)
- 2D Tensor implementation using
s oflist
s! - Broadcasting
- Python 3.8.5 or above (only tested on this)
- Poetry for managing dependencies
Using the MNIST dataset of images of hand-written digits from zero to nine.
This consists 28 x 28 grayscale (0-255) pixels images and corresponding output labels (0-9).
60,000 training examples. 10,000 test examples. Luckily this all fit in memory.
Used a mini-batch size of 500.
Install the dependencies. Although, since this is just Pytest, only really needed if you're running the tests.
poetry install
Fetch the dataset from and store them in datasets/mnist/
This will download four gzipped files.
Do not unzip them, since the code reads the zipped version directly.
make datasets
poetry run python -m deriv8
Unfortunately there's no saving of the model parameters, yet. Just enjoy the training metrics.
Best result after 20 epochs was 93.98% on the test set, although accuracy was still very slowly improving at this point.
Results are listed in the results/ directory.
Each epoch takes roughly 16-17 minutes to run, including one minutes test the full test set. This better than I expected, since it's going through 60,000 images and using rudimentary data types.
Regularization didn't seem to be needed. I think this due to not running it exhaustively.
This was run on the following hardware...
- MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
- 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
- 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
It also has a GPU, but wasn't utilized.
No parallelization was implemented in the Python code.
Run the unit tests using
poetry run pytest
This code in the repo has been optimized for understanding over performance. This is especially true when dealing with
the 2-dimensions tensors ("Tensor2D
" which is a list
of list
of float
). Sometimes there's an obvious change that
would make things go faster, but I didn't want it to become less readable and wanted it to align closer to what you
would see in Numpy, PyTorch, Tensorflow or Pandas, which are optimized for handling large multi-dimensional data
structures and would cringe at my use of lists or lists of floats.
Gradient checking is slow at the best of times and is exponentially slower here. To run gradient checking I reduced layers to a very small number of units and reduced the mini-batch size to a small number.
I found the initial implementation appeared to work. Things were running and the loss was going down! Unfortunately, the accuracy was stuck bouncing around 10%. I still had a few hard-to-debug issues.
Gradient checking helped see where some issues were. I was able to check gradients for different groups of parameters and work backwards through the network to try and understand where the issues were.
A few things with the ReLU tripped me up. When the derivative is zero and the gradient is killed, it confused me a little. Other issues seemed to compound this, so I was seeing a lot of zeros.
At one point I had the ReLU derivative always returning one. The simplest issues can cause the biggest problems and this was one of the few things I didn't have tests for.
Luckily, Jacobian Matrices are rarely required and they often reduce to something simpler.
I learnt this the hard way, implementing a Jacobian matrice for
the Softmax derivative and trying to multiply that by the derivative of the loss function. It was getting complicated,
so I assumed I was doing something wrong and discovered I was. The product of the loss and softmax derivatives result
is simply Y_hat - Y
Shortly afterwards, Andrej Karpathy confirmed this for me on YouTube...
"You never end up forming the full Jacobian" - Andrej Karpathy
"Doh!" - Me
Later I went back to fully understand the derivation and can recommend this two-part explanation from Mehran Bazargani...
ValueError: math domain error
and I are now good friends. I've hit this a bunch of times during development,
mostly due to passing zero to log
. This is usually indicative of another issue and as I squashed issues, these
errors went away.
These two courses were probably the most helpful...
Machine Learning - Andrew Ng
Deep Learning Specialization - Andrew Ng