Blip is a lightweight, visually-semantic, functional css framework built in less sass
I've spent many years trying to manage extreme amounts of custom css in enterprise situations and become incredibly frustrated with trying to not only maintain an incredibly complex cascade, but also teach others how the thing actually works, and it's completely unsustainable. I was just so sick of writing new css, and then I read an article that really resonated with me:
It was like a bolt of lightning hitting me right between the eyes and led me to read a lot of things by mrmrs which led me to a project he created: Tachyons. After getting myself past the years of scar-tissue of writing complex, external cascade and embracing this atomic style of styling, I truly believe it is one of the most important, transformative patterns to come to the web in many years.
I created blip as an academic exercise, mainly because I'm a software developer and we always want to reinvent the wheel, but also to give me a greater understanding the pattern and of styling in general.
I like to see this as a tribute to one of the most transformative and positive styling patterns on the web
Using your favourite package manager:
npm install phobon-blip
yarn add phobon-blip
Including in a web page:
bin\blip.full.min.css (autoprefixed and minified)
bin\blip.cutdown.min.css (autoprefixed and minified)
bin\colours*.min.css (autoprefixed and minified)
Build your own version of blip:
The simplest way to compile your own version of blip is to copy blip-full.scss to wherever you're compiling your Sass, extend and prune the mixins and go from there.
- Mixins found in the core.scss imports will generate atomic classes
- Mixins found in the mixins.scss imports are fillers
- core.scss requires mixins.scss but not the other way around
- variables.scss are not required, but make things a lot simpler