Control WS2812 LED by UART Serial Port Protocol + non-gate transistor
The hardware requires a USB serial port module that supports a baud rate of more than 2.5 MHz (for example, CH34X, FT232RL) and a non-gate (preferably a Schmitt trigger)
After the serial port TX pin output is connected to the data port of the WS2812 LED through the inverter, the LED can be controlled by this module
通过UART串口协议+非门反相器来控制WS2812 LED🚨
硬件上需要一个支持2.5M波特率以上的USB转串口模块(例如CH34x, FT232RL 等)以及一个非门(最好是施密特触发器)
安装 installing: pip install pyws2812
from ws2812 import *
wsc = WS2812Controller("<PORT>", n_led=5)
不出意外的话,全部灯珠被点亮为白色 Then all the LEDs will be on.
更多详细的用法请参考源代码注释和示例 for more detail usage, please refer to the source code.