New generation proxy using JSON-RPC calls to access the Phore blockchain. It offers also access to subscribe functions like:
- subscribeBlock
- subscribeAddress
- subscribeBloom
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running for developing or testing purposes.
Depends on environment. This guide covers 2 ways to deploy project.
- Locally using Docker (free) - basically you need only Docker which is free software available from website.
- AWS cloud (generally not free) - in this set up you need AWS account. You don't need any AWS knowledge to set up project using CloudFormation.
You can also install it locally without docker, but it is platform dependent solution. For e.g Windows doesn't have official Redis build which is necessary for entire system to work. There are no problems with deployment locally on Unix and macOs systems. For local deployment you need to install Node.js.
The easiest and multiplatform choise is to use Docker containers.
Setup env variables used in this guide.
Strong login credentials are necessary to make connection secure.
Everyone who know your login and password can steal money from wallet with RPC turned on.
RPC_PASS=your_strong_passwordYou can set other value as follows:
PHORED_PORT=22771 -> default is 11771, changed for avoid problems with local wallet instance
PHORED_RPC_PORT=22772 -> default is 11772, changed for avoid problems with local wallet instance -
First of all we need redis container:
docker pull redis
docker run -p $(echo $REDIS_PORT):6379 --name redis_instance -td redis
Lets look for Redis host in docker network by using
docker network inspect bridge
and find appropriate container ip in 'Containers' section. Then set up REDIS_HOST. -
Start phored instance.
cd scripts/phored
docker build --build-arg RPC_USER=$(echo RPC_USER) --build-arg RPC_PASS=$(echo RPC_PASS) -t phored
AND then
docker run -p $(echo $PHORED_PORT):11771 -p $(echo $PHORED_RPC_PORT):11772 -p $(echo $PHORED_WEB_PORT):80 -e REDIS_PORT=$(echo $REDIS_PORT) -e REDIS_HOST=$(echo $REDIS_HOST) -e START_FROM_BEGINNING=1 -td phored
OR run and attach to container to see what is going on
docker run -p $(echo $PHORED_PORT):11771 -p $(echo $PHORED_RPC_PORT):11772 -p $(echo $PHORED_WEB_PORT):80 -e REDIS_PORT=$(echo $REDIS_PORT) -e REDIS_HOST=$(echo $REDIS_HOST) -it phored npm start
supervisord -c supervisord.conf
Now you need to set env variable for PHORED_HOST (same method as with Redis). Phored host must be specified with protocol (for e.g
Set up START_FROM_BEGINNING to skip downloading wallet data from AWS bucket. This is not available without AWS api keys.
WEB_PORT is optional, but recommended one - it can be use to send indirect rpc command wihout basic authentication, but it supports only safe rpc commands.
It will take some time to download all blocks for phored. It could take even a few hours.
Start webservice instance
- go to home directory
docker build --build-arg RPC_USER=$(echo RPC_USER) --build-arg RPC_PASS=$(echo RPC_PASS) -t rpc_web_service
docker run -p $(echo $WEB_PORT):80 -e REDIS_PORT=$(echo $REDIS_PORT) -e REDIS_HOST=$(echo $REDIS_HOST) -e PHORED_PORT=$(echo $PHORED_PORT) -e PHORED_RPC_PORT=$(echo $PHORED_RPC_PORT) -e $PHORED_WEB_PORT=(echo $PHORED_WEB_PORT) -dt rpc_web_service
Now you can use RPC and websocket server:
- RPC is available under http://localhost:$PHORED_WEB_PORT/rpc
- WS is available under http://localhost:$WEB_PORT/ws