Releases: php-http/httplug
Implementing PSR-18
After two years of work the FIG finally accepted our proposal for HTTP Client standard as PSR-18. This is a huge step in the life of HTTPlug.
Many thanks to @Nyholm who spearheaded the effort from the very first moment and worked extremely hard to pull this off. Thanks to the working group and everyone else, who made this possible.
Fix issue with promises
During the development of plugins we faced a problem with exceptions thrown in plugins.
Any exceptions not implementing Http\Client\Exception
ended up in an invalid argument error because of these lines:
This type leak allowed to inject an exception to be passed to the onRejected callback of a Promise.
In the current release we introduced HTTP specific promises which does not catch all exceptions, but HTTP ones. Every other exception will be thrown immediately.
First stable release
Merge pull request #109 from php-http/stable_release Prepare stable release
First beta release
This release brings a cleaner exception concept which is documented directly in the interfaces.
There is also an initial support for discovering HTTP Clients using Puli.