<img src="https://github.com/AydinHassan/cli-md-renderer/workflows/CliMdRenderer/badge.svg">
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use League\CommonMark\DocParser;
use League\CommonMark\Environment;
use PhpSchool\CliMdRenderer\CliRendererFactory;
$parser = new DocParser(Environment::createCommonMarkEnvironment());
$cliRenderer = (new CliRendererFactory)->__invoke();
$ast = $parser->parse(file_get_contents('path/to/file.md'));
echo $cliRenderer->renderBlock($ast);
can be syntax highlighted. By default only PHP source code is Syntax Highlighted using: kadet/keylighter
If you want to add syntax highlighting for other languages you should create a class which implements \AydinHassan\CliMdRenderer\SyntaxHighlighterInterface
It accepts code as a string and should return highlighted code as a string. You register your highlighter like so
use PhpSchool\CliMdRenderer\Renderer\FencedCodeRenderer;
$codeRenderer = new FencedCodeRenderer;
$codeRenderer->addSyntaxHighlighter('js', new JsSyntaxHighlighter);
If you need to do this you cannot use the factory so construction will look something like:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Colors\Color;
use League\CommonMark\Environment;
$environment = new Environment();
$environment->addExtension(new CliExtension());
$colors = new Color();
return new CliRenderer($environment, $colors);
- Make configurable (Line Endings, colors, styles)
- Image Renderer
- List Renderer
- Code Syntax Highlighting
- Documentation