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Armando Lüscher edited this page May 2, 2017 · 2 revisions

Do you want to know when your bots go down?

Here is a file that you can host on some other server, to fetch your bot's status from and notify yourself with another bot.

Don't forget to put your data in appropriate places.

$botsAdminID    = 'YOUR_TELEGRAM_ID';   // Put your Telegram ID here.
$notifierBotKey = 'NOTIFY_BOT_API_KEY'; // Put your notifier bot API Key here.

$botsList = [
    'botOne' => 'API_KEY_FOR_BOT_1', // Name (to show in messages) and API KEY for first bot.
    'botTwo' => 'API_KEY_FOR_BOT_2', // Name and API KEY for second bot. Add more if needed.

$botsDown = [];
foreach ($botsList as $botUsername => $apiKey) {
    $botErrorMessage = sprintf('🆘 @%s: Bot status inaccessible', $botUsername);

    $chWI = curl_init('' . $apiKey . '/getWebhookInfo');
    curl_setopt($chWI, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $response = curl_exec($chWI);

    if ($status = json_decode($response, true)) {
        if (isset($status['ok']) && $status['ok']) {
            $result = $status['result'];

            // If there are less than 5 pending updates, bot counts as up and active.
            if (isset($result['pending_update_count']) &&
                $result['pending_update_count'] < 5
            ) {

            $botErrorMessage = sprintf(
                '🆘 @%s: %d pending updates;' . PHP_EOL . '%s: %s',
                date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $result['last_error_date']),
        } else {
            $botErrorMessage = sprintf(
                '🆘 @%s: (%d) %s',

    $botsDown[$botUsername] = $botErrorMessage;

if (empty($botsDown)) {

// Send message to notifier chat.
$chSM = curl_init('' . $notifierBotKey . '/sendMessage');
curl_setopt($chSM, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($chSM, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($chSM, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query([
    'chat_id' => $botsAdminID,
    'text'    => implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $botsDown),
