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Small dynamic programming language for PC.


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Ephem logo Dynamic s-expression programming language for PC, with delusions of grandeur.

Descendant of the completed Arduino/PC stack-based dynamic s-expression programming language Chika.


> (println "Hello, world!")
Hello, world!
> (map #(* % 2) (range 3))
[0 2 4]
> ((if T + /) 12 3)
> (fn double [a] (* a 2))
> (map double (range 10))
[0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18]


(NYA - Not Yet Achieved)


  • S-expressions
  • Dynamic
  • Auto Reference Counting (ARC) memory management
  • Has REPL
  • Hotloadable (NYA)
  • Lazy
  • Easy for total beginners (NYA)
  • Immutable values & collections (NYA)


  • REPL with linenoise
  • Lazy enumerables
    • Range
    • Vector
    • Map
    • Set (NYA)
    • File stream (NYA)
    • Network stream (NYA)
  • Global variables (NYA)
  • Destructuring (NYA)
  • Keywords (NYA)
  • Spread forms (NYA)
  • Breakpoints (NYA)
  • Closures (NYA)
  • File system access (NYA)
  • Network access (NYA)


  • No JIT; it's slow
  • Single-threaded
  • No native operation overrides


  • x86 is ~2x slower but x64 uses ~2x more memory



git clone --depth=1
Ensure CMake in installed on your system.
Warning: the following procedure will install immer, mimalloc, and Ephem onto your system.
Run ./ If needing to subsequently recompile use ./
Execute ephem in the terminal, optionally with a file path argument.

Syntax and native operations


Representations Data type
T F N true, false, nil
\a character
0x1 or 0x12 8 bit unsigned integer
1234 or 0x123… 32 bit unsigned integer
-1234 or -0x123… 32 bit signed integer
3.14 or .14 or -3.14 or -.14 32 bit signed float
[1 2 3] vector

Functions and native operations

[…] representation of a vector.
[0..] zero or more arguments.
[1..] one or more arguments.
[arg-name] optional argument.
"truthy" is a value that is not F or N.
"falsey" is a value that is F or N.


An evaluated expression returns a value. An expression is formed as (operation [0..]) whereby the operation can be a native operation, program function, variable containing a function or lambda reference, or another expression evaluated as one of the aforementioned. Arguments can also be expressions.


Function declarations are only accepted at the top-level of a document or REPL interaction - they cannot be contained within expressions.
They are declared by using (fn function-name […] [1..]) where […] is a vector of parameters, e.g. [a b c], and [1..] is one or more expressions.

Anonymous functions, or lambdas, are defined by the syntax #(operation [0..]) which constitutes one expression.

Short-circuited control structures

(if cond if-true [if-false])
Returns if-true if cond is truthy, or if-false or N if cond is falsey.
if-true and if-false are never mutually evaluated.

(or [1..])
Returns the first truthy argument otherwise N.
Arguments are not evaluated beyond a truthy one.

(and [1..])
Returns T if all arguments are truthy, otherwise F.
Arguments are not evaluated beyond a falsey one.


+ - * / mod ** & | ^ << >>
e.g. (+ 1 2 3) uses first type, (+ \a 3)

Likeness & Equality
Equality compares the 4 bytes of information inside a Value, which may be a primitive type or pointer to a more complex type.
Likeness intelligently compares strings and lists per character and item respectively. Likeness otherwise decays into equality.
Infinite lists are only equal to N.

(= [1..])
Returns T for homogeneously alike arguments.
Compares list items for sequential likeness.

(= 3.14 3.14 3.14)    => T
(= T F 1)             => F
(= [0 1 2] (range 3)) => T
(= 123 [3 4 5])       => F

(!= [1..])
Returns F for contiguous alike arguments.

(!= T T)              => F
(!= T F)              => T
(!= T F T)            => T
(!= T F T T)          => F

(== [1..])
Returns T for homogeneously equal arguments.

(== 3.14 3.14 3.14)   => T
(== T F 1)            => F
(== [1 2 3] [1 2 3])  => F   //As it compares internal pointers
(== 12345678 [1 2 3]) => T~F //… therefore very unlikely, but possible to be T

(!== [1..])
Returns F for contiguous equal arguments.
Refer to != for similar characteristics.

Monotonic comparisons
The monotonic comparisons compare each argument in turn with the previous.
Intelligently compares strings by ASCII order and lists by length.

(< [1..])
Returns T for monotonically increasing arguments.

(< 1 2)               => T
(< 10 -10)            => F
(< -1 10 56)          => T
(< -10 10 9)          => F

(> [1..])
Returns T for monotonically decreasing arguments.

(<= [1..])
Returns T for monotonically non-decreasing arguments.

(>= [1..])
Returns T for monotonically non-increasing arguments.

Vectors & Lizts
A vector is a collection of pre-evaluated values. A lizt is a lazy collection producing values per iteration.
Vectors have a fixed length. Lizts either have a fixed expected length or infinite length.

(vec [1..])

O_Skip, O_Take, O_Range, O_Cycle, O_Emit, O_Map, O_Where


(print [1..]) (println [0..])
Prints the string representation of arguments to the terminal.

Gets the next buffered character from terminal input. Returns N if no key was in the buffer.

Gets a string of text from terminal input, blocking Ephem until Enter is pressed.

(sleep) (sleep num-seconds)
Blocks Ephem for a duration of num-seconds or 1 second. num-seconds may be a float.

Design and characteristics

Enumerables and laziness

Examples of lazy enumerables

(range 5 10)                  => [5 6 7 8 9]
(map + [0 1 2] [4 5 6 7])     => [4 6 8]
(map + [3 1 4] (range))       => [3 2 6]
(map * (range 4) (range))     => [0 1 4 9]
(map + [0 1 2] 3)             => [3 4 5]
(map + (range) (range))       => infinite, nil as immediate
(map #(str % \!) [1 2 3])     => ["1!" "2!" "3!"]
(map #(% 12 3) [+ - * /])     => [15 9 36 4]
(map + (cycle 2 1) (range 6)) => [2 2 4 4 6 6]
(take 5 (skip 4 (range)))     => [4 5 6 7 8]
(take 5 4 (range))            => [4 5 6 7 8]
(emit 3 5)                    => [3 3 3 3 3]

Examples of immediate collections

(where odd? (range -8))       => [-1 -3 -5 -7] immediate
(where even? 4 3 (range))     => [6 8 10 12] immediate

Immutable vectors



Small dynamic programming language for PC.







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