#This is the source code for Chalearn LAP Real Versus Fake Expressed Emotion Challenge @ICCV 2017
Author: Huynh Xuan Phung
Email: phunghx <at> gmail <dot> com
Title: A LSTM network with Parametric Bias and its Application to Real versus Fake Emotion Recognition
Author: Xuan-Phung Huynh
HCI Lab, Sejong University, Korea
- Dependency libraries:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Torch 7: http://torch.ch/docs/getting-started.html
- Python 2.7
- OpenCV 2.4.9
- Xgboost https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost
- cunn library for torch
- npy4th https://github.com/htwaijry/npy4th
- Cuda 8.0
- Instructions:
Clone this repository into your local machine: https://github.com/phunghx/Real_Fake_Expression. I set this reposity on your machine is REALFAKE=/Real_Fake_Expression.
Dataset: there are 4 ziped files as following:(link https://sejonguniversity-my.sharepoint.com/personal/phunghx_sju_ac_kr/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?folderid=0b6feb31128fa428b82c54fc412f64d1a&authkey=AaVIHwtz95X0uCG_wve7Qz8 )
- Train.zip: 40 subjects for training that include face region only. Please download this file if you want to train the LSTMPB models
- testImage.zip: face regions for testing video.
- validImage.zip: face regions for validation video
- shapeTrain.zip: face landmarks of training videos that we use for training xgboost models
- shapeTest.zip: face landmarks of testing videos for our submission on challenge
- shapeValid.zip: face landmarks of validating videos for submission on challenge
Build and install dependence libraris:
- cuda 8.0
- g++ 5.4
- torch 7.1
- python 2.7
- opencv 2.4.9 for python
- xgboost : sudo pip install xgboost
- sklean: sudp pip install sklearn --upgrade
- scikit-image: sudo pip install scikit-image --upgrade
- libjpeg: sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev
- build dlib. From REALFAKE folder, run ./buildLibs.sh <torch installed folder >. For example, I install my torch at /libs/torch then I run ./buildLibs.sh /libs/torch/install
Replicate our results on the challenge website
- delete all folders and files in REALFAKE/data
- clear data ./cleardata.sh
- download testImage.zip and extract to REALFAKE/data (REALFAKE/data/testImage)
- download shapeTest.zip and extract to REALFAKE/data (REALFAKE/data/shapeTest)
- run ./testing_data.sh REALFAKE/data/shapeTest REALFAKE/data/testImage
- Final result is the file test_prediction.pkl in REALFAKE folder
- If you want to see the result on the validation set, please download the validImage.zip and shapeValid.zip
- download and extract Train.zip into your machine. I assume the path of your extraction is /data/Train which contains 40 folders for 40 subjects.
- Train LSTMPB : ./training.sh /data/Train
- Generate landmark for training data: you can download shapeTrain.zip and extract to REALFAKE/data/shapeTrain (contain of 40 folders) or run ./createlandmarkData.sh /data/Train
- Genetate PB vectors for training xgboost: ./createTrainData.sh REALFAKE/data/shapeTrain
- Training xgboost: ./training_xgboost.sh
- Copy all video into a folder, we set it at $REALFAKE/data/test. The name of video is followed the challenge dataset: <id>_<facial>.mp4. <facial> is one of ANGER,CONTENTMENT,DISGUST,HAPPINESS,SADNESS,SURPRISE.
- extract face regions from testing video: ./extractFace.sh $REALFAKE/data/test
- testing: ./testing.sh REALFAKE/data/shapeTest REALFAKE/data/testImage
- Final result is the file test_prediction.pkl in REALFAKE folder
Notes: - Please detect face region manually on the first frame if the face detection tool can not detect the face. It has pop up window; left mouse click on the face region then right click to confirm.
Please read our paper: Discrimination between genuine versus fake emotion using long-short term memory with parametric bias and facial landmarks