This is a proof of concept for tink_web running on Haxe's JVM target.
It utilizes the Java Undertow/XNIO libraries by JBOSS to create interfaces usable by tink_io and tink_http to create the: tink.http.containers.UndertowContainer
This project requires, if you don't have it:
npm i lix -g
- After cloning the repo:
lix download
will install all of the Haxe dependencies required for this project.
Creating an Undertow Container:
import tink.http.containers.*;
import tink.http.Response;
import tink.web.routing.*;
class Test {
static function main() {
var container = new tink.http.containers.UndertowContainer("localhost", 8080);
var router = new Router<Root>(new Root()); {
return router.route(Context.ofRequest(req))
class Root {
public function new() {}
@:post("/payload") // want to parse an arbitrary data structure?
@:consumes("application/json") // you can register other mime-type parsers/serializers
public function payload(body:{name:String, age:Int, job:String}) {
return '${} is a ${body.age} year old ${body.job}';
@:post("/stream-to-disk") // want to stream binary streams over the web? Go ahead!
public function stream_to_disk( {
var stdOutput = new;
var stdSink ='std-output', stdOutput);
body.pipeTo(stdSink).handle(() -> {
var text = stdOutput.getBytes().toString();"./request-streamed.out", text);
return "Streaming request to disk. :) Enjoy your response while we continue processing in the background.";
@:post("/buffer-to-disk") // want to synchronously read the request? Try it!
public function buffer_to_disk( {
var text = body.toString();"./request-buffered.out", text);
return "Data buffered and written to disk; this happened synchronously, so the data was written to disk before this response was sent";
@:get("/long-running-response") // need to run a long-running task before you can respond? Don't wait!
public function long_running_response() {
return tink.core.Future.async(cb -> {
haxe.Timer.delay(() -> {
cb("This is the response after one second has elapsed.");
}, 1000);
@:get('/hello/$name') // basics
public function hello(name = 'World')
return 'Hello, $name!';
XML Parsing with tink_xml:
typedef CXMLCredential = { @:tag("Credential") var credential:{ @:attr("domain") var domain:String; @:tag("Identity") var identity:String; @:optional @:tag("SharedSecret") var sharedSecret:String; }; @:optional @:tag("UserAgent") var userAgent:String; } typedef CXMLHeader = { @:tag("To") var to:CXMLCredential; @:tag("Sender") var sender:CXMLCredential; @:tag("From") var from:CXMLCredential; } typedef CXMLProfileRequest = { @:attr var payloadID:String; @:attr("xml:lang") var lang:String; @:attr var timestamp:String; @:tag("Header") var header:CXMLHeader; @:tag("Request") var request: { @:tag("ProfileRequest") var request:String; }; } class CXML { public function new() {} @:post("/cxml/profile-request") // parse complex arbitrary XML // this particular complex anonymous structure models a ProfileRequest // see: @:consumes("application/xml") @:produces("application/json") public function profileRequest(body:CXMLProfileRequest) { return haxe.Json.stringify(body); } }
Example payload:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE cXML SYSTEM ""> <cXML payloadID="" xml:lang="en-US" timestamp="2001-03-12T18:39:09-08:00"> <Header> <From> <Credential domain="OSN"> <Identity>TEST</Identity> </Credential> </From> <To> <Credential domain="DUNS"> <Identity>1111111111</Identity> </Credential> </To> <Sender> <Credential domain="OSN"> <Identity>TEST</Identity> <SharedSecret>VERY SECRET, MUCH UNGUESSABLE</SharedSecret> </Credential> <UserAgent>Oracle Fusion Self Service Procurement</UserAgent> </Sender> </Header> <Request> <ProfileRequest /> </Request> </cXML>
{ "lang": "en-US", "header": { "from": { "credential": { "domain": "OSN", "identity": "TEST" } }, "sender": { "credential": { "domain": "OSN", "identity": "TEST", "sharedSecret": "VERY SECRET, MUCH UNGUESSABLE" }, "userAgent": "Oracle Fusion Self Service Procurement" }, "to": { "credential": { "domain": "DUNS", "identity": "1111111111" } } }, "timestamp": "2001-03-12T18:39:09-08:00", "request": { "request": "" }, "payloadID": "" }