This is a simple web application written in Go that simply prints Hello from <current host>
whenever the / endpoint is accessed. The goal of this application is for demonstration purposes and it's not intended to be a production-ready service (e.g. Docker, Kubernetes, etc).
go build hello.go
curl http://localhost:8080
Building the image:
docker build . -t hellofromhost
Using a pre-built image:
docker run --name hellofromhost -d -p 8080:8080 picadoh/hellofromhost
curl http://localhost:8080
kubectl create -f kube.yaml
kubectl get service hellofromhost
curl http://<external-ip>
kubectl scale deployments/hellofromhost --replicas=2
kubectl set image deployments/hellofromhost hellofromhost=picadoh/hellofromhost:v2