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Running and Debugging a Mac application in Xamarin Studio

Jan Ruhländer edited this page Feb 19, 2018 · 1 revision

To debug your application using a Mac platform in Xamarin Studio on OS X, you need to create a MonoMac (free) or Xamarin.Mac (paid) application project. This has the benefit of creating your .app bundle for you, and if you are using Xamarin.Mac, you can bundle mono inside your application so that your users are not required to install mono.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Empty Xamarin.Mac or MonoMac application.

Note: XS 6.0 doesn't have an empty Xamarin.Mac project template, so you can just create a new application and delete all files in the project except for Program.cs and Info.plist.

  1. Modify the Info.plist file and set the "Main Interface" setting to blank (also named "Main nib file name" or "NSMainNibFile" if editing as source).
  2. Using nuget, add only one of the following packages:

Otherwise, add references to Eto.dll and one of the following: * Eto.Mac.dll (for MonoMac), * Eto.XamMac.dll (for Xamarin.Mac classic), * Eto.XamMac2.dll (for Xamarin.Mac unified). 4. Add a Program.cs to start your app with the following:

using System;
using Eto.Forms;
using Eto.Drawing;

namespace MyApp
	// this should usually be in a shared assembly
	public class MainForm : Form
		public MainForm()
			Title = "Hello, Mac!";
			Menu = new MenuBar(); // to get a standard OS X menu
			ClientSize = new Size(200, 200);
			Content = new Label { Text = "Your content" };

	public static class Program
		public static void Main(string[] args)

			// note that in Eto.Forms 2.2 auto-detection of the platform does not work for XamMac/XamMac2, so you need to pass the platform ID to the application constructor
			var platform = Eto.Platforms.XamMac2; // or Eto.Platforms.XamMac or Eto.Platforms.Mac

			// MainForm is usually from a shared assembly
			new Application(platform).Run(new MainForm());

Now, you should be able to run and debug your app within Xamarin Studio!