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Scripts that are used to ingest and publish geospatial datasets on a PostGIS/GeoServer stack.

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Utilities for geo-spatial data ingestion


This project contains command-line utilities for managing the publication of geo-spatial datasets onto a PostGIS/GeoServer stack.

The content is structured as follows:

file category description
install installation installs the utilities onto a given directory
ingest_shp slave script ingestion and publishing of a single shapefile
unpublish_shp slave script unpublishing and purging of a single shapefile
manage_datasets master script bulk processing of datasets under a directory
fetch_ftype aux fetches the feature type of a GeoServer vector layer
pg_conn.default connection file template of a PostgreSQL connection file
gs_conn.default connection file template of a GeoServer connection file
docs/ documentation docs and diagrams

Connection files

All utilities refer to connection files in order to define the connection to both the PostgreSQL/PostGIS database and the GeoServer instance. These files are shell files declaring connection variables that link to a given resource, like:

# pg_conn.default

for the connection with the database, and:

# gs_conn.default

for the connection with GeoServer.

It is recommended that you allow the database user $PSUSER to commit to database without password prompt (see the PostgreSQL docs on how to achieve that).

Regarding the GeoServer password file: encode the GeoServer password onto the specified file with the DES3 encryption algorithm, using the $GSWORKSPACE as encryption key:

echo $GS_PASSWORD | openssl enc -e -des3 -base64 -pbkdf2 -pass pass:$GSWORKSPACE > gs_pwd.des3


All utilities use bash as shell interpreter.

HTTP requests are made with curl, while geospatial data are loaded into the database via PostGIS CLI tools.

openssl is used for password decryption.


./install $TARGET_DIR

This will copy the utilities in the $TARGET_DIR directory.

Now define properly your pg_conn and gs_conn connection files into the same $TARGET_DIR, then you can start managing your datasets.



Ingestion and publishing of a single shapefile.
IMPORTANT: note that the name of the dataset (both as in PostGIS table name, and as in GeoServer layer) will automatically turn to all-lowercase letters.


ingest_shp SHP_BASENAME --srid SRID [OPTION]

The basename of the shapefile to be ingested in the geo-database.
This can also be a path, but the extension of the file shall not be specified.

[--srid, -s] SRID
The SRID code of the shapefile's projection.

[--enc, -W] CHAR_ENC The character encoding of the input shapefile (default is UTF-8).

[--publish, -p]
Option to publish the ingested feature to GeoServer datastore.
This requires that files SHP_BASENAME.ftype.xml and SHP_BASENAME.sld both exist.
See GeoServer REST API to see examples of feature type descriptions and styles, eg.:

Switches to dry run test: prints out commands without hitting the database nor GeoServer.

Prints this text.


Unpublishing and purge of a single shapefile.


unpublish_shp LAYER_NAME [OPTION]

The name of the GeoServer layer (and PostGIS table) that has to be unpublished.

[--drop, -d]
Option to additionally drop the data from the PostGIS database.

[--keep-style, -s]
Option to avoid deleting the layer style definition from the GeoServer collection.

[--dry-run, -n]
Switches to dry run test: prints out commands without hitting the database nor GeoServer.

[--help, -h]
Prints this text.


Bulk management of datasets under a given directory.

It relies on the ingest_shp, unpubl_shp and fetch_ftype slave scripts (all additional arguments to a manage_dataset call are passed on to those scripts, e.g. you can append --dry-run for bulk dry-run on a folder).

Additionally it requires that all datasets aer accompained by a .srid file containing the EPSG code of the geospatial projection of the datasets to be used as --srid argument on slave scripts.


manage_dataset ACTION FOLDER [OPTION]


  • [load, l]
    Just load the datasets into the database.

  • [publish, p]
    Load the datasets into the PostGIS database (if not yet stored), then publish them as GeoServer layers.

  • [unpublish, u]
    Unpublish the GeoServer layers, but keep the data in the database.

  • [drop, d]
    Unpublish the GeoServer layers, then drop the data from the database.

  • [sync-ftype, sf]
    Synchronizes the local feature type definition of a layer with that of the published layer.

Root folder where to look for datasets to be managed. The script will identify a dataset by looking for any .shp script under the directory, and will execute the action on the dataset based on the following conditions:

  1. l and p actions will be executed if a file called update is found in the directory;
  2. u and d actions will be executed if a file called delete is found in the directory;
  3. sf action will be executed if a file called sync is found in the directory;

NOTE: use the --force argument to force the execution of the action on all datasets.

[--force, -f]
Forces the action to be executed on all datasets found under the given FOLDER.

[--dry-run, -n]
Dry run test: prints out commands without hitting the database nor GeoServer.

[--help, -h]
Prints this text.


Downloads the XML feature type description of a GeoServer layer.


fetch_ftype LAYER_NAME

The name of the layer published in GeoServer instance.

[--help, -h]
Prints this text.


# Load and publish a single shapefile whose charset is LATIN1:
./ingest_shp Burundi_Pop --srid 32735 --publish -W LATIN1

# Unpublish and purge a dataset, but keep style SLD definition in GeoServer catalog (note layer name is lower-case):
./unpublish_shp burundi_pop --drop --keep-style

# Bulk loading of all marked datasets in a folder (recursively):
./manage_datasets publish /data/root/folder/

# Dry-run bulk unpublishing all marked layers from GeoServer:
./manage_datasets unpublish /data/root/folder/ --dry-run

# Sync the local feature type definition of all marked datasets with the published version:
./manage_datasets sf /data/root/folder


EURAC Research


Scripts that are used to ingest and publish geospatial datasets on a PostGIS/GeoServer stack.






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