Be Ready for the Only Clever Chess Engine that remains Irrefutably Unbeaten
Brocciu is a simple interface to access the Lichess-Api programmatically. It lets a custom bot engine intercept incoming challenges and react to them in parallel using a threadpool. Additionally, it comes with a simple chess engine written in Rust that implements the Monte-Carlo-Tree-Search algorithm using the straight-forward (but slow) Rc<RefCell<Node>>
data structure.
Runs approximately 5-10k MCTS iterations/s depending on the current board position on WSL2 with a i5-5200U CPU without nightly cargo optimization flags. assets/flamegraph.svg
indicates that the bottleneck lies in the simulation step (takes around 60% of the compute budget).
The discussion on Graphs and arena allocation outlines more performant (and complex/unsafe) graph data structure solutions. Additionally, this crate implements a more efficient parallelized tree search than the one provided here.
In the json file /configs/default_api.json
, enter your lichess username and token. The token can be obtained by following the bot instructions. Subsequently, rename the file to /configs/api.json
Use the provided example chess engine:
use brocciu;
use tokio;
// Create a runtime environment
async fn main(){
// Run brocciu
For debugging purposes, the generated DAG can be visualized using the brocciu::utils::graph_visualization::draw_graph
Alternatively, brocciu's docker image can be built and run using the following command:
docker build -t brocciu . && docker run brocciu
Use your own engine, by letting it implement the Engine
use brocciu;
use tokio;
struct MyEngine{}
/* The Engine trait
pub trait Engine{
fn new(game: Rc<RefCell<chess::Game>>) -> Self;
fn get_next_move(&mut self, bot_color: chess::Color) -> Result<(String, bool), NoAvailableMoveError>;
impl brocciu::mcts::search::Engine<MyEngine> for MyEngine{
pub fn new(game: Rc<RefCell<chess::Game>>) -> MyEngine {
// Your implementation
pub fn get_next_move() -> Result<(String, bool), brocciu::mcts::search::NoAvailableMoveError>{
// Your implementation
// Create a runtime environment
async fn main(){
// Run brocciu
This project only offers the most bare-bone features necessary for functionality. The following features have yet to be implemented
State | Comment |
❌ | Selection Policy: Currently only UCT -> Add more refined node selection policies |
❌ | Simulation Policy: Currently random self-play -> Add more refined node simulation policies (e.g. with NNs) |
❌ | Simulation Time Dynamization: Currently, each move generation takes a constant amount of time except when reaching fully explored tree states -> Allocate different search time budgets at different game stages |
❌ | Simulation Break Condition: Currently constant depth break condition -> Break simulate step when position obviously leads to stalemate |
❌ | Challenge Initiation: Currently, bot can only react to exogeneous challenges -> Initiate challenges against the computer |
❌ | Challenge Types: Currently, only regular untimed challenge types supported. Non-standard (and timed) challenges result in undefined behavior -> Accept different challenge types; |
❌ | Tree Data Structure: Current node data structure is Rc/Weak<RefCell<Node>> -> Use a more efficient node data structure |
❌ | Profiling/Performance: Currently, the simulation step takes 60% of the compute budget -> Review simulation end conditions |
❌ | Spurious Zobrist Hash Collisions: Currently, each node is maximally expanded once. A hash collision occuring in the game's path leads to panicking -> Review better recovery options |
❌ | Other |
Pull requests are welcome. Please open an issue to describe the desired feature. No ETA implied.