The PiFace Digital Input/Output module (PyPI).
Use this module to use PiFace Digital and PiFace Digital 2 hardware in Python3
Make sure you are using the lastest version of Raspbian:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
Enable SPI (e.g. use raspi-config)
$ sudo raspi-config
select `Interface Options` > `SPI` > `Yes` and then select `Finish`
If you need to install pip3
$ sudo apt install python3-pip
Install pifacedigitalio
with the following command:
Python 3:
$ sudo pip3 install pifacecommon
$ sudo pip3 install pifacedigitalio
- Notice 1: Installation from Raspbian repository with apt is not longer the preferred way, take a look into [](issue 27)
- Notice 2: Python 2 support is "end-of-life" since Jan 2020, refer to
To run an example program clone this repo
$ git clone
Test by running the
$ python3 pifacedigitalio/examples/