Simple class to read a capture, play/pause/backward some frames This class can be used as main template for other programs
TODO Read a file, detect background, split in video extracts containing movements
Given a "reference" polygon, stabilize image by forcing polygon coordinates
Some test in diffing two images to extract movement and polygons in them
shape detection in a single image
Same tests, with first frame as reference polygon detection, "follower" algorithm to detect trajectory of polygons TODO : retry with another bg subtractor and better "main loop"
First tests with BackgroundSubtractorMOG method to extract background Seems to be CPU consuming
Another try : detect crossing thru 2 reference lines May works fine if people don't collide, but still need work on way to deduce movement direction from various cases
- Gate : class to handle "2 lines" concept in lineFilter
class to keep track of several steps in a program
Body detection, from Works fine only in front view
old test to detect and track polygons
test code on storing data with ttl