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OSSInsight Plugin


  1. Pull GitHub event by loop.
  2. Filter the duplicate event.
  3. Product event messages to Pulsar.
  4. Consume event messages from Plusar.
  5. Provide WebSocket API to the front end.


  1. Generate a new read-only token at GitHub.

  2. Build binary file: make build (local) or make build-server (amd64 x86 linux).

  3. Create a free pulsar cluster at StreamNative Cloud, and download key file.

  4. Configure this file, and save to one of those path ./config.yaml, ./config/config.yaml or ../config/config.yaml (relative path by binary file):

        version: 2
        port: 6000 # HTTP port
        health: "/health" # health check api name
        syncEvent: "/sync-event" # event sync api name
        producer: false # disable github fetcher and pulsar producer
        interval: false # disable interval
        level: debug
        file: test.log
        format: json # json/text
    # redis 7+
        host: localhost:6379
        password: ""
        db: 0
        lua: # lua scripts
            mergeLatest: |
            local map = {}
            for i = KEYS[2], KEYS[3] do
                local res ='HGETALL', KEYS[1] .. i)
                for j = 1, #res, 2 do
                if map[res[j]] == nil then
                    map[res[j]] = tonumber(res[j + 1])
                    map[res[j]] = map[res[j]] + tonumber(res[j + 1])
            local result = {}
            for k, v in pairs(map) do
                table.insert(result, k)
                table.insert(result, v)
            return result
        env: dev # dev / formal, if env is dev, will use devHost and no auth way to create pulsar client
        devHost: pulsar://localhost:6650 # dev pulsar host
        host: pulsar+ssl://XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXX # pulsar host
        audience: XXX:XX:XXXXX:XXXXX:XXXX # pulsar audience
        keypath: /XXX/XXX/XXX.json # private key path, download form StreamNative cloud
            topic: XXXXX # send topic name
            retry: 3 # send message retry times
            topic: XXXXX # consume topic name
            name: events-consumer # consumer name
            concurrency: 5 # consumer numbers in a single ossinsight-plugin
            timeout: 5000 # github events fetch loop timeout (ms)
            break: 1000 # github events fetch loop break (ms)
            - ghp_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # github read-only token
        yearCount: 1m # year count fetch interval
        dayCount: 1m # year count fetch interval
        daily: 1m
        retry: 3
        retryWait: 10000 # ms
        host: localhost # tidb host
        port: 4000 # tidb port
        user: root # tidb user
        password: "" # tidb password
        db: gharchive_dev # tidb database
        sql: # some sql
            eventsDaily: |
                SELECT event_day, 
                    COUNT(DISTINCT actor_id) AS developers,
                    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN action = 'opened' THEN pr_or_issue_id ELSE NULL END) AS opened_prs,
                    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN action = 'closed' AND pr_merged = false THEN pr_or_issue_id ELSE NULL END) AS closed_prs,
                    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN action = 'closed' AND pr_merged = true THEN pr_or_issue_id ELSE NULL END) AS merged_prs
                FROM github_events ge
                WHERE type = 'PullRequestEvent'
                    AND action IN ('closed', 'opened')
                    AND event_year = YEAR(NOW())
                GROUP BY event_day
                ORDER BY event_day
            yearly: |
                    COUNT(DISTINCT actor_id) AS developers,
                    COUNT(DISTINCT repo_id) AS repos,
                    SUM(CASE WHEN action = 'closed' AND pr_merged = true THEN additions ELSE 0 END) AS additions,
                    SUM(CASE WHEN action = 'closed' AND pr_merged = true THEN deletions ELSE 0 END) AS deletions
                FROM github_events
                WHERE type = 'PullRequestEvent'
                    AND action IN ('closed', 'opened')
                    AND event_year = YEAR(NOW())
  5. Start by ./ossinsight-plugin.

Sampling API

API Using Step

  • Client start to connect the API Endpoint by RAW WebSocket protocol.
  • Server will send an initial message by ONLY ONCE.
  • Server will waiting Client to send params.
  • Client send params.
  • Server will endless send message to Client until connection closed.

Initial Message

The initial message will have firstMessageTag tag, and it will be true.


    "firstMessageTag": true,
    "apiVersion": 2,
    "eventMap": {
        "2022-01-01": "34",
        "2022-01-02": "41",
        "2022-01-03": "100",
        "2022-01-04": "322",
        "2022-01-05": "326",
        "2022-01-06": "391"
    "openMap": {
        "2022-01-01": "34",
        "2022-01-02": "41",
        "2022-01-03": "100",
        "2022-01-04": "322",
        "2022-01-05": "326",
        "2022-01-06": "391"
    "mergeMap": {
        "2022-01-01": "34",
        "2022-01-02": "41",
        "2022-01-03": "100",
        "2022-01-04": "322",
        "2022-01-05": "326",
        "2022-01-06": "391"
    "closeMap": {
        "2022-01-01": "34",
        "2022-01-02": "41",
        "2022-01-03": "100",
        "2022-01-04": "322",
        "2022-01-05": "326",
        "2022-01-06": "391"
    "devMap": {
        "2022-01-01": "34",
        "2022-01-02": "41",
        "2022-01-03": "100",
        "2022-01-04": "322",
        "2022-01-05": "326",
        "2022-01-06": "391"
    "sumMap": {
        "additions": "64787714692",
        "deletions": "25243554672",
        "dev": "2373829",
        "repo": "7594633"


Sampling message and return to client.

  • Endpoint: /sampling, e.g.: ws://localhost:6000/sampling.

  • Params:

    Name Required Type Description
    samplingRate Yes int Sampling rate. It means that N events are received that satisfy the conditions but only one of them is returned to the front end. If you want all of them, you need set it to 1.
    eventType No string Specify the event type you want to see. If you don't set it, all event types will be returned.
    repoName No string Specify the repo name you want to see. If you don't set it, all repo names will be returned.
    userName No string Specify the user name you want to see. If you don't set it, all user names will be returned.
    filter No string list Specify the fields you want to see. If you don't set it, all fields will be returned. (This param will change result struct)


        "samplingRate": 3,
        "eventType": "PushEvent",
        "repoName": "pingcap-inc/ossinsight-plugin",
        "userName": "Icemap"
  • Result (the {event entity} is same as /events API):

        "event": {event entity},
        "payload": {
            "devDay": 0,
            "devYear": 0,
            "merge": 0,
            "open": 0,
            "pr": 0


        "event": {
            "type": "DeleteEvent",
            "public": true,
            "payload": {
                "ref": "dependabot/npm_and_yarn/netlify-cli-11.3.0",
                "ref_type": "branch",
                "pusher_type": "user"
            "repo": {
                "id": 526513549,
                "name": "davy39/ntn-boilerplate",
                "url": ""
            "actor": {
                "login": "dependabot[bot]",
                "id": 49699333,
                "avatar_url": "",
                "gravatar_id": "",
                "url": "[bot]"
            "created_at": "2022-08-29T02:06:15Z",
            "id": "23683284276"
        "payload": {
            "devDay": 0,
            "devYear": 0,
            "merge": 0,
            "open": 0,
            "pr": 0
  • With filter result will return a map, such as:


        "samplingRate": 1,
        "filter": [
            "", "event.type", "", "", "event.payload.push_id", "payload.merge"


        "": "",
        "": "alanhaledc",
        "": "23683417557",
        "event.payload.push_id": 10857043797,
        "event.type": "PushEvent",
        "payload.merge": 0
  • If you want a list:


        "samplingRate": 1,
        "filter": [
            "", "event.type", "", "", "event.payload.push_id", "payload.merge"
        "returnType": "list"



Latest Language API

API Using Step

  • Client start to connect the API Endpoint by RAW WebSocket protocol.
  • Server will waiting Client to send params.
  • Client send params.
  • Server will endless send message to Client until connection closed.


Calculate latest hour PR language map and send to client every seconds.

  • Endpoint: /language/latest, e.g.: ws://localhost:6000/language/latest.

  • Params:

    Name Required Type Description
    language No string list Specify the language you want to see. If you don't set it, all fields will be returned.
    top No int Send client the most PR languages with top. If you don't set it, entire map will be returned.


    The top filter will be effect after language filter.


        "top": 2,
        "language": ["JavaScript", "C++", "Java"]
  • Result:

        "Java": 112,
        "JavaScript": 178

Watch Language Change API

API Using Step

  • Client start to connect the API Endpoint by RAW WebSocket protocol.
  • Server will send an initial message by ONLY ONCE.
  • Server will waiting Client to send params.
  • Client send params.
  • Server will endless send message to Client until connection closed.

Initial Message

The initial message will has firstMessageTag tag, and it will be true.


    "firstMessageTag": true,
    "apiVersion": 2,
    "languageMap": {
        "Bicep": 1,
        "C": 4,
        "TypeScript": 55,
        "Vue": 4


Language deletions map and additions map will be return every seconds(If deletions and additions are not both null).

  • Endpoint: /language/watch, e.g.: ws://localhost:6000/language/watch.

  • Params:

    Name Required Type Description
    language No string list Specify the language you want to see. If you don't set it, all fields will be returned.


        "language": ["JavaScript", "C++", "Java"]
  • Result:

        "Deletions": {},
        "Additions": {
            "Java": "1",
            "JavaScript": "3"


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