Releases: pingidentity/pf-authn-js-widget
Version 2.0.0
JavaScript Widget for the PingFederate Authentication API - Version 2.0.0
New features:
- CAPTCHA and Risk Provider support.
- Risk Provider implementations include:
- Google reCAPTCHA v2 invisible
- Google reCAPTCHA V3
- PingOne Protect.
- Removed the old reCAPTCHA V2 Invisible implementation.
bug fixes:
- none
breaking changes:
The previous Google reCAPTCHA V2 implementation is deprecated and removed from the codebase. Please review the Upgrade from version 1 to version 2 document to perform an upgrade.
Use the following URLs to include the latest v2 released version:
Use the following URLs to include version 2.0.0:
Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v2.0.0
Version 1.11.0
JavaScript Widget for the PingFederate Authentication API - Version 1.11
New features:
- Cookieless support.
- Support for SecurID approve flow with code selection feature.
- Support SecurID, Token, and Approve methods for the RSA Authentication Manager integrated with the RSA Cloud Authentication Service (CAS).
- Support PingOne MFA IK fido2 devices.
- Support PingOne MFA IK device removal.
- Support PingOne Protect IK 1.0
Bug fixes:
- Device pairing for non-webauthn use cases.
Full Changelog: v1.10.0...v1.11.0
Version 1.10
JavaScript Widget for the PingFederate Authentication API - Version 1.10
- Added PingOne MFA Integration Kit usernameless authentication flow support (biometrics)
- Update browser compatibility documentation to include limitations around third-party cookies
- Minor bug fixes
Version 1.9.0
JavaScript Widget for the PingFederate Authentication API - Version 1.9
- Added support for identity verification through mobile web browser with the PingOne Verify Integration Kit
- Not compatible with PingOne Verify Integration Kit 1.x.
Version 1.8.0
JavaScript Widget for the PingFederate Authentication API - Version 1.8
- Added support for OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant.
- Added support for Mobile Smart Credential Push authentication for Entrust IdP Adapter.
- Added support for PingOne MFA authentication code-based flow.
- Added support for PingOne MFA one-time device OTP authentication flow.
- Fixed typescript definitions to use the correct interfaces.
Version 1.7.0
JavaScript Widget for the PingFederate Authentication API - Version 1.7
- The Widget is now published on CDN for simple integration into your app. See the documentation for more details
- Added support for the new Azure AD Identity Protection Integration Kit.
- Added support for the new Entrust Identity Enterprise Integration Kit.
- Added support for PingOne Fraud.
- Added support for Email ownership verification by OTP.
- Added onAuthorizationFailed callback to the redirectless capability.
- Dropped support for Node 12 as it has reached end of life.
Version 1.6.0
JavaScript Widget for the PingFederate Authentication API - Version 1.6
- Added support for Device Enrollment with the PingOne MFA Integration Kit. The following methods are supported:
- Authenticator apps, such as Google Authenticator
- SMS message
- Voice call
- Mobile app built with the PingOne SDK
- FIDO2 biometrics
- Security key
- Added support for the Microsoft Cloud Identity Connector.
- Added typescript definitions for the Widget.
- Added support for Symantec VIP.
Version 1.5.0
JavaScript Widget for the PingFederate Authentication API - Version 1.5
- Added support for Voice feature from with the PingOne MFA Integration Kit.
- Added support to select default devices for with the PingOne MFA Integration Kit.
- Added support for redirectless flow with PingAccess.
- Added support for email verification when using End User Registration.
- Added support for RSA SecurID.
- Includes various bug fixes.
Version 1.4.0
JavaScript Widget for the PingFederate Authentication API - Version 1.4
- Added support for FIDO devices feature from with the PingOne MFA Integration Kit.
- Added support for Account Lockout feature from with the PingOne MFA Integration Kit.
- Added support for Device Nicknames feature from with the PingOne MFA Integration Kit.
- Added support for TOTP feature from the PingOne MFA Integration Kit.
- Added support for password flows to use an External Password Management systems.
- Added support for Jamf.
- Updated the end-user CSS library version.
- Includes various bug fixes.
Version 1.3.0
JavaScript Widget for the PingFederate Authentication API - Version 1.3
- Added support for PingOne Verify to the Widget
- Includes various bug fixes.