Task scheduler with high availability.
Hurricane scheduler is a distributed and fault-tolerant built on top of https://github.com/pioardi/ring-election .
It is able to schedule jobs that will execute your custom code writenn in node.js .
Simple to install and to configure
REST API to create schedules
Limit your schedules based timezone and on hours,minutes,years,day of the week,month of the year, etc..
REST API monitoring API
REST API to create timers and be notified when time is up (TODO)
LDAP integrated (TODO)
Multiple data storage ( Cassandra, MongoDB , SQL databases , in-memory for development) TODO
Fully scalable , distributed and fault-tolerant, no zookeeper or other systems are needed ( based on leader/follower algorithm implemented in https://github.com/pioardi/ring-election )
Job stats ( failure/success , duration time , failure rate ) TODO
Configurable retries for each job
Job timeout
Alerting for failure jobs
Schedule API run on port JOB_PORT , see configuration section for details.
Field name | Field Type | Mandatory | Constraints | Description |
title | String | N | No constraints | The title of the job |
timezone | String | Y | A valid timezone , see all available timezones | The timezone to refer to run job in the correct time , ex. I want to run a job at 8AM in Naples, is different from 8AM in Chicago |
scriptId | String | Y | A valid scriptId previously created | The admin will create scripts to be executed when the job will run , each of this script will have an id to be used into the REST API |
retries | Number | N | N | The number of retries that we want to do when a job fails. Default is 0 |
timeout | Number | N | N | The maximum time in seconds that we want to keep the job running , default is 60 seconds. |
hours | Array of Strings | N | Each value must be from 0 to 23 | The hours in which we want our job to run, if not specified the job will run at all hours |
minutes | Array of Strings | N | Each value must be from 0 to 59 | The minutes in which we want our job to run, if not specified the job will run at all minutes |
weekDays | Array of Strings | N | Each value must be from 0 to 6 | The days of the week in which we want our job to run, if not specified the job will run all days of the week |
daysOfTheMonth | Array of Strings | N | Each value must be from 0 to 30 | The days of the month in which we want our job to run, if not specified the job will run all days of the months |
monthsOfTheYear | Array of Strings | N | Each value must be from 0 to 11 | The months of the year in which we want our job to run, if not specified the job will run all months of the years |
years | Array of Strings | N | No constraints | The years in which we want our job to run, if not specified the job will run all years |
Create schedules
Path : /schedules
Input : Schedule
Field name | Field Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the created schedule |
Delete schedules
Path : /schedules/SCHEDULE_ID
Get schedules
Path : /schedules/SCHEDULE_ID
Output: Schedule
Monitoring API run on MONITORING_PORT see configuration for details
Get status
Path : /status
Output: An array where each element represents a node into the cluster with assigned partitions , id and priority.
Name | Default | Description |
PORT | 3000 | The leader will start to listen on this port |
TIME_TO_RECONNECT | 3000 | The time in ms to wait for a follower when he has to connect to a new leader in ms |
MAX_INACTIVE_TIME | 10000 | The time in ms to wait for an heart beath from a node before to remove it. |
HEARTH_BEAT_FREQUENCY | 1000 | The frequency in ms with which a hearth beat is performed by a follower |
HEARTH_BEAT_CHECK_FREQUENCY | 3000 | The frequency in ms with which an hearth check is performed by a leader |
LOG_LEVEL | info | Follow this https://www.npmjs.com/package/winston#logging-levels |
NUM_PARTITIONS | 10 | Number of partitions to distribute across the cluster |
SEED_NODES | No default | hostnames and ports of leader node comma separated, Ex . hostname1:port,hostname2:port |
MONITORING_PORT | 9000 | port to expose rest service for monitoring |
JOB_PORT | 3000 | port to expose rest service for schedules |
LOG_FILE_ENGINE | Default to root folder and name engine.log | File name used to log engine. |
SMTP_HOST | No default | SMTP Host to sent emails. |
SMTP_PORT | No default | SMTP Port to sent emails. |
SMTP_USER | No default | SMTP to basic auth on smtp server. |
SMTP_PWD | No default | SMTP password for basic auth on smtp server. |
EMAIL_ALERTING_ENABLED | False | If job alerting should be active or not. |
EMAIL_LIST | No default | Comma separated emails to sent alerts. |