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piotrMocz edited this page Aug 15, 2014 · 4 revisions



The most important thing to install before you can use Gust is the CUDA toolkit, version 5.5. You can get it here. Than just follow the instructions from NVidia's website for the installation of CUDA.

Additionally, you need to install JCuda. The jar files are managed by SBT but there are also some native libraries that need to be visible to your JDK. This can be acheived by making the CLASSPATH point to JCuda's directory (Windows, Linux/Mac OS).

You also need Scala with version at least 2.11.1 and SBT at least 0.13.

Running Gust

Currently the only way to get Gust is by cloning it from GitHub.

$ git clone
$ cd gust
$ sbt
 > console

Additionally, you have to compile all the *.cu files needed by Gust. This can be done easily by running (Linux/Mac OS) or gen-ptx.bat (Windows). If you have any errors at this point, check the compute capability of your GPU, it should be 3.0 or more in order for Gust to run.

Using Gust

Gust aims to make its use as transparent as possible for the Breeze user. This can be thought of as providing an additional data structure to Breeze -- a dense matrix residing on the GPU but accessed and manipulated as an ordinary DenseMatrix. However, to use most of the operations backed by Gust, you need to provide an implicit handle for the cuBLAS library.

import jcuda.jcublas.{cublasHandle, JCublas2}

implicit val handle = new cublasHandle

Basic data structures

The basic data structure in Gust is CuMatrix, an analog of Breeze's DenseMatrix. It supports Floats and Doubles, but some operations work for Ints and Longs as well. There are a few ways to create a new CuMatrix and most of them work the same way as in Breeze:

Operation Command
From a DenseMatrix CuMatrix.fromDense[Double](denseMatrix)
Empty matrix CuMatrix.create[Double](m, n)
Matrix with zeros CuMatrix.zeros[Double](m, n)
Matrix with ones CuMatrix.ones[Double](m, n)
Random matrix CuMatrix.rand(m, n)
Identity matrix CuMatrix.eye[Double](n)

For creating any non-standard matrices that are not described above, it is best to use Breeze to create the matrix CPU-side and then copy it to GPU using the CuMatrix.fromDense method. The GPU equivalent of DenseVector is CuVector, which can be created similarily to CuMatrix:

Operation Command
From a DenseVector CuVector.fromDense[Double](denseMatrix)
Empty vector CuVector.create[Double](n)
Vector with zeros CuVector.zeros[Double](n)
Vector with ones CuVector.ones[Double](n)
Random vector CuVector.rand(n)


The table below assumes that both a and b are CuMatrices, shaped appropriately for every operation.

Operation Command
Element-wise copy a := b
Matrix addition a + b
Matrix inplace addition a += b
Matrix product a * b
Inplace matrix product a *= b
Element-wise product a :* b
Matrix/scalar multiplication a * 2.0
Also, Gust supports many element-wise operations like max, min, sin, cos, etc.

Basic linear algebra

Right now Gust supports only a small part of the operations available in Breeze, but they are used in the exact same way. (The table below assumes that a is a general CuMatrix, b is a CuMatrix representing a column vector, i.e. b.cols == 1 and v is a CuVector).

Operation Command
Transposition a.t
Linear solve a \ b
Determinant det(a)
Trace trace(a)
Condition number cond(a)
Froebenius norm norm(a)
LU decomposition LU(a)
Cholesky decomposition cholesky(a) // where a is SPD
Singular Value Decomposition svd(a)
QR decomposition qr(a)
Construct a diagonal matrix from vector diag(v)

Sparse Matrices

CuSparseMatrix is a sparse matrix stored on the GPU in the CSC (Compressed Sparse Column) format. It may be created in one of the two ways: from DenseMatrix, using the method CuSparseMatrix.fromDense or from CuMatrix, using the method CuSparseMatrix.fromCuMatrix.

To create a sparse matrix, apart from a cublasHandle, you need to make an instance of cusparseHandle available. It is created just like the cublasHandle:

import jcuda.jcusparse.{cusparseHandle, JCusparse2}

implicit val sparseHandle = new cusparseHandle

CuSparseMatrix currently features a subset of operations available for CuMatrix:

  • transposition
  • addition
  • subtraction
  • sparse matrix product
  • sparse matrix-dense vector product
  • linear solve
  • norm
  • LU and Cholesky factorizations

Note that both LU and Cholesky are incomplete factorizations.