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DAllPhin-AtoM v0.9.3

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@shanmdphd shanmdphd released this 24 May 00:17
· 3 commits to master since this release

Release Notes

  1. Notes were added for the details of the parameters.
  2. Conc. Prediction Tab: The values of the AUC of a single dosing (AUCsingle dose,tau) over dosing interval, AUC of steady state over dosing interval (AUCss,tau), peak concentration at steady state (Cmax,ss) were added.
  3. ‘CLother’ was added in the Elimination tab to allow users to input intrinsic hepatic CL values according to their prior knowledge or information.
  4. Some parameter names were changed for clarification. (Check the abbreviation section in manual!)
  5. Hepatocyte surface area calculation method used to predict passive diffusion CL was fixed.