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PixelDust Project

PixelDust Project CAF

Download PixelDustProject

PixelDust is a CAF based ROM inspired by the original Google Pixel firmware with support for almost all Pixel features available.

Now is your chance to get this ROM onto your device and enjoy the PixelDust Goodness!

Where to start

You can visit the following repositories for better insights:

After visiting these repositories, familiarize yourself with our build system and try to follow the steps below:

  1. Adapt your device tree / create files according to our method. Examples:
  2. It's recommend to start with an empty dependencies file. Instead, clone the repos that you need additionally or have to change manually until your build is successful.
  3. You can easily trigger your build by using our script:
./ <device>

You can also find downloads for officially supported devices on our our website or browse our Telegram groups. For more information on how to apply as a maintainer visit our Documentations. Thanks!

Important Links

Pinned Loading

  1. android_frameworks_base android_frameworks_base Public

    Java 3 10

  2. android_vendor_pixeldust android_vendor_pixeldust Public

    Makefile 5 24

  3. manifest manifest Public

    12 6

  4. android_packages_apps_Settings android_packages_apps_Settings Public

    Java 2 3

  5. Documentations Documentations Public

    Forked from PixelDust-Project-X/Documentations

    Everything you need to know

  6. android_vendor_PixeldustOTA android_vendor_PixeldustOTA Public


Showing 10 of 199 repositories


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