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Henner Renardi Setyono edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 3 revisions

Pixel WordPress Library

This is forked from Edje WP Library to have better versioning number that follows Wordpress version.

Edje Wordpress

This plugin contains features that we keep using in our client's website. They are:

  1. FAQ Block
  2. Icon Block
  3. Comment Editor
  4. Header and Footer Code
  5. Other Features

Requirement: PHP 7.3 and WordPress 5.5.

FAQ Block

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Edje WordPress - FAQ Block

Create a question where you can click to show the answer. It requires this theme support:

add_theme_support( 'h-faq-block-v2' );


  • Automatically generate JSON LD Schema to include the FAQ within Google search result.
  • Modern markup with <details> and <summary>.
  • No frontend CSS. Refer to the documentation for basic one.

Icon Block

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Edje WordPress - Icon Block

Create a box with SVG icon and description.

It requires this theme support:

add_theme_support( 'h-icon-block' );


  • Integration with FontAwesome FREE. Simply type in the name of the icon and it will get the SVG code.
  • Change position of icon to left, above, or right.
  • Option to use Image file instead of SVG.
  • No frontend CSS. Refer to the documentation for basic one.

Comment Editor

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Edje WordPress - Comment Markdown

Enable a Markdown editor in the comment form.

It requires this theme support:

add_theme_support( 'h-comment-editor' );


  • Saved in database as Markdown and compiled before rendered.
  • General keyboard shortcut like bold (CTRL+B), italic (CTRL+I), undo (CTRL+Z)
  • Added a checkbox for "Receive follow-up email when someone reply" below comment form.

Header and Footer Code

Edje WordPress - Customizer Head Footer

We added a new section in the Customizer to insert raw HTML code inside wp_head() and wp_footer().

This is useful for Analytics code from Google or Facebook.

Other Features

All these features are enabled by default:


  • Removed emoji converter.
  • Removed Jetpack's Device-px script because it's useless.
  • Removed Jetpack's Sharing script. It's only for sharing via email which is rarely used.


  • Disabled automatic URL guessing if a visitor enters 404 page.
  • Disabled Jetpack's Open Graph module when Yoast or The SEO Framework is installed.


  • Removed "Circle Mask" style from Image.
  • Added "Transparent" style to Button.
  • Added "Full Color" style to Table.
  • Added "Larger Image" and "Smaller Image" style to Media-Text.
  • Created a filter h_disallowed_blocks that returns an array of disabled blocks. By default it disables only three: core/pullquote, core/nextpage and core/more.
  • Added better styling for ACF Block (as see in the ACF Block's screenshot above).
  • Changed the Category checklist to always be in same the position.
  • Removed Medium-Large size when uploading new image.


  • Removed "Created by Wordpress" message in the bottom-left of WP Admin
  • Changed the login error message to "Sorry, your username or password is wrong" instead of giving hint of which one is wrong.
  • Changed the Wordpress logo in login page to the one you have set in Customizer > Site Identity.