go-ksc is a Go client library for accessing the KSC (Kaspersky Security Center) Open API.
package main
import (
"github.com/pixfid/go-ksc/v1/kaspersky" // with go modules enabled (GO111MODULE=on or outside GOPATH)
"github.com/pixfid/go-ksc/kaspersky" // with go modules disabled
Construct a new KSC client, then use the various services on the client to access different parts of the KSC (Kaspersky Security Center) Open API. For example:
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
cfg := kaspersky.Config {
//user login name
UserName: "login",
Password: "password",
//VServerName: "virtual_server_name", for login on virtual server.
Server: fmt.Sprintf(`https://%s:%s`, "ip", "port"),
//true using XKscSession tokens (false on default, session token expired time 3 minutes)
XKscSession: false,
//InsecureSkipVerify controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name.
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
//Construct a new KSC client
client := kaspersky.New(cfg)
//Auth on KSC server
client.Login(ctx, kaspersky.BasicAuth, "")
//Get List of Windows domain in the network.
raw,_ := client.HostGroup.GetDomains(context.Background())
func Online(ctx context.Context, client *kaspersky.Client) *FullHostsInfo {
hField := config.Config.HParams
chunks := &FullHostsInfo{}
hostsParam := kaspersky.HGParams{
WstrFilter: `
VecFieldsToReturn: hField,
PParams: kaspersky.PParams{
KlsrvhSlaveRecDepth: 0,
KlgrpFindFromCurVsOnly: true,
LMaxLifeTime: 100,
accessor, _, _ := client.HostGroup.FindHosts(ctx, hostsParam)
count, _, _ := client.ChunkAccessor.GetItemsCount(ctx, accessor.StrAccessor)
_, _ = client.ChunkAccessor.GetItemsChunk(ctx, kaspersky.ItemsChunkParams{
StrAccessor: accessor.StrAccessor,
NStart: 0,
NCount: count.Int,
}, chunks)
client.ChunkAccessor.Release(ctx, accessor.StrAccessor)
return chunks
products, err := client.HostGroup.GetHostProducts(ctx, "8910f900-3807-4b97-8a97-d49e73ec5ab1")
"PxgRetVal" : {
"1103" : {
"type" : "params",
"value" : {
"" : {
"type" : "params",
"value" : {
"BaseRecords" : 0,
"LastUpdateTime" : {
"type" : "datetime",
"value" : "2019-10-26T23:17:09Z"
"kesl" : {
"type" : "params",
"value" : {
"" : {
"type" : "params",
"value" : {
"BaseDate" : {
"type" : "datetime",
"value" : "2020-05-07T23:18:00Z"
"BaseInstallDate" : {
"type" : "datetime",
"value" : "2020-05-08T08:59:53Z"
"BaseRecords" : 14791566
tastList, raw, err := client.Tasks.GetAllTasksOfHost(ctx, "", "c2b22f83-307c-45aa-8533-5ffffbcc6bf1")
"PxgRetVal" : [
srvVParams := &kaspersky.SrvViewParams{
WstrViewName: "HWInvStorageSrvViewName", //Hardware inventory storage view
WstrFilter: `(&(Type = 4))`, //Type = 4 (Removable devices)
VecFieldsToReturn: []string{"Id", "Name", "SerialNumber"}, //Return Fields
VecFieldsToOrder: []kaspersky.FieldsToOrder{ // Sort by Id field (Ascending)
Type: "params",
OrderValue: kaspersky.OrderValue{
Name: "Id",
Asc: true,
PParams: &kaspersky.ESrvViewParams{
TopN: 100, //First 100 records
LifetimeSEC: 1300, //set lifetime in seconds
iterator, _, _ := client.SrvView.ResetIterator(ctx, srvVParams)
c, _, _ := client.SrvView.GetRecordCount(ctx, iterator.WstrIteratorID)
recordRange := &kaspersky.RecordRangeParams{
WstrIteratorID: iterator.WstrIteratorID, //iterator string
NStart: 0, //start number
NEnd: c.Int, //count
raw, _ := client.SrvView.GetRecordRange(ctx, recordRange) //[]byte json data example below
_, _ = client.SrvView.ReleaseIterator(ctx, *iterator.WstrIteratorID) //release iterator set on server
"pRecords" : {
"type" : "params",
"value" : {
"Id" : 38236,
"Name" : "USB DISK 2.0 USB Device",
"SerialNumber" : "USBSTOR\\DISK&VEN_&PROD_USB_DISK_2.0&REV_PMAP\\9000694205A94058&0"
"type" : "params",
"value" : {
"Id" : 38237,
"Name" : "Kingston DT Rubber 3.0 USB Device",
"SerialNumber" : "USBSTOR\\DISK&VEN_KINGSTON&PROD_DT_RUBBER_3.0&REV_PMAP\\001A92053B6ABD7131341955&0"
Status | Implement in go-ksc | KSC Classes | Description |
✔ | AdfsSso.go | AdfsSso | Interface for working with ADFS SSO |
✔ | AdHosts.go | AdHosts | Scanned active directory OU structure |
✔ | AdmServerSettings.go | AdmServerSettings | AdmServerSettings interface |
✔ | AdSecManager.go | AdSecManager | Adaptive Security managing |
✔ | AKPatches.go | AKPatches | Interface to manage system of autoupdating by patch.exe patches |
✔ | AppCtrlApi.go | AppCtrlApi | Interface to get info about execution files |
✔ | AsyncActionStateChecker.go | AsyncActionStateChecker | Interface to monitor state of async action |
✔ | CertPoolCtrl.go | CertPoolCtrl | Interface to manage the pool of certificates used by the Kaspersky Security Center Server |
✔ | CertPoolCtrl2.go | CertPoolCtrl2 | 2nd interface to manage the pool of certificates used by the Kaspersky Security Center Server |
✔ | CgwHelper.go | CgwHelper | CgwHelper (Connection Gateway) helper proxy class |
✔ | ChunkAccessor.go | ChunkAccessor | Working with host result-set |
✔ | CloudAccess.go | CloudAccess | Interface to check access of public clouds |
✔ | ConEvents.go | ConEvents | Interface to server events |
✔ | DatabaseInfo.go | DatabaseInfo | Database processing |
✔ | DataProtectionApi.go | DataProtectionApi | Allows to protect sensitive data in policies, tasks, and/or on specified host |
✔ | DpeKeyService.go | DpeKeyService | Interface for working with encrypted devices |
✔ | EventNotificationProperties.go | EventNotificationProperties | Notification properties |
✔ | EventNotificationsApi.go | EventNotificationsApi | Publish event |
✔ | EventProcessing.go | EventProcessing | Interface implements the functionality for viewing and deleting events |
✔ | EventProcessingFactory.go | EventProcessingFactory | Interface to create event processing iterators |
✔ | ExtAud.go | ExtAud | Interface for working with ExtAudit subsystem |
✔ | FileCategorizer2.go | FileCategorizer2 | Interface for working with FileCategorizer subsystem |
✔ | FilesAcceptor.go | FilesAcceptor | Upload files to server |
✔ | GatewayConnection.go | GatewayConnection | Interface for creating gateway connections |
✔ | GroupSync.go | GroupSync | Access to group synchronization objects |
✔ | GroupSyncIterator.go | GroupSyncIterator | Access to the group synchronization forward iterator for the result-set |
✔ | GroupTaskControlApi.go | GroupTaskControlApi | Interface to perform some management actions over group tasks |
✔ | HostGroup.go | HostGroup | Hosts and management groups processing |
✔ | HostMoveRules.go | HostMoveRules | Modify and acquire move rules to hosts |
✔ | HostTagsApi.go | HostTagsApi | Interface allows to acquire and manage tags for hosts. It is additional interface for common ListTags |
✔ | HostTagsRulesApi.go | HostTagsRulesApi | Interface allows to acquire and manage host automatic tagging rules |
✔ | HostTasks.go | HostTasks | Basic management operations with host tasks |
✔ | HstAccessControl.go | HstAccessControl | Security policy Allows to specify permissions for administrration groups and non-group objects |
✔ | HWInvStorage.go | HWInvStorage | Interface for working with Hardware storage subsystem |
✔ | InventoryApi.go | InventoryApi | Interface for working with Software Inventory subsystem |
✔ | InvLicenseProducts.go | InvLicenseProducts | Interface to manage License Management (third party) Functionality |
✔ | IWebSrvSettings.go | IWebSrvSettings | Web server settings proxy class |
✔ | IWebUsersSrv.go | IWebUsersSrv | Send an email to multiple recipients. |
✔ | IWebUsersSrv2.go | IWebUsersSrv2 | Operating with emails from GUI |
✔ | KeyService.go | KeyService | Interface for working with KeyService subsystem |
✔ | KeyService2.go | KeyService2 | Additional interface for working with KeyService subsystem |
✔ | KillChain.go | KillChain | KillChain info from host |
✔ | KLEVerControl.go | KLEVerControl | Controls the possibility to download and automatically create installation packages |
✔ | KsnInternal.go | KsnInternal | Interface for working with KsnProxy subsystem |
✔ | LicenseInfoSync.go | LicenseInfoSync | Operating with licenses |
✔ | LicenseKeys.go | LicenseKeys | Operating with keys |
✔ | LicensePolicy.go | LicensePolicy | License policy |
✔ | Limits.go | Limits | Interface for working with Limits subsystem |
✔ | ListTags.go | ListTags | Interface allows to acquire and manage tags to various KSC objects |
✔ | MigrationData.go | MigrationData | Migration of data between KSC On-Premise and KSCHosted |
✔ | Multitenancy.go | Multitenancy | Multitenancy product managing |
✔ | NagCgwHelper.go | NagCgwHelper | Nagent CGW (Connection Gateway) API |
✔ | NagGuiCalls.go | NagGuiCalls | Remote host caller |
✔ | NagHstCtl.go | NagHstCtl | Manage nagent on host |
✔ | NagNetworkListApi.go | NagNetworkListApi | Nagent OpenAPI to work with network lists |
✔ | NagRdu.go | NagRdu | Remote diagnostics on host |
✔ | NagRemoteScreen.go | NagRemoteScreen | Interface for remote screen session management |
✔ | NlaDefinedNetworks.go | NlaDefinedNetworks | Network location awareness (NLA) defined networks. Used as a scope for Update agents. Each NLA-defined network is defined by list of NLA locations |
✔ | OsVersion.go | OsVersion | Operating systems dictionary access |
✔ | PackagesApi.go | PackagesApi | Operating with packages |
✔ | PatchParameters.go | PatchParameters | Patch parameters processing |
✔ | PLCDevApi.go | PLCDevApi | Interface allows to acquire and manage PLC devices registry |
✔ | Policy.go | Policy | Policies processing |
✔ | PolicyProfiles.go | PolicyProfiles | Policy profiles processing |
✔ | QBTNetworkListApi.go | QBTNetworkListApi | Interface to working with Quarantine, Backup and TIF network lists |
✔ | QueriesStorage.go | QueriesStorage | QueriesStorage interface |
✔ | ReportManager.go | ReportManager | Reports managing |
✔ | RetrFiles.go | RetrFiles | Class provides means to get retranslated files info |
✔ | ScanDiapasons.go | ScanDiapasons | Network subnets processing |
✔ | SecurityPolicy.go | SecurityPolicy | Allows to manage users and permissions. |
✔ | SecurityPolicy3.go | SecurityPolicy3 | Allows to manage security groups of internal users. Use srvview SplUserGroupSrvViewName to get information about relationship between users and groups |
✔ | ServerHierarchy.go | ServerHierarchy | Server hierarchy management interface |
✔ | ServerTransportSettings.go | ServerTransportSettings | Server transport settings proxy class |
✔ | Session.go | Session | Session management interface |
✔ | SmsQueue.go | SmsQueue | Manage SMS message queue |
✔ | SmsSenders.go | SmsSenders | Configure mobile devices as SMS senders |
✔ | SrvCloud.go | SrvCloud | Interface to acquire info about public clouds |
✔ | SrvSsRevision.go | SrvSsRevision | Access to virtual server settings storage revisions |
✔ | SrvView.go | SrvView | Interface to get plain-queries from SC-server |
✔ | SsContents.go | SsContents | Access to settings storage |
✔ | SubnetMasks.go | SubnetMasks | Subnets provider |
✔ | Tasks.go | Tasks | Group tasks |
✔ | TrafficManager.go | TrafficManager | Traffic manager interface |
✔ | UaControl.go | UaControl | Update agents and Connection gateways management |
✔ | Updates.go | Updates | Updates processing |
✔ | UpdComps.go | UpdComps | Class provides means to manage updatable components (bases) |
✔ | UserDevicesApi.go | UserDevicesApi | Interface to unified mobile device management |
✔ | VapmControlApi.go | VapmControlApi | VAPM |
✔ | VServers.go | VServers | Virtual servers processing |
✔ | VServers2.go | VServers2 | Virtual servers processing |
✔ | WolSender.go | WolSender | Wake-On-LAN signal sender |
- Implement all services
- Implements all Methods
- Write Tests
- Examples
- Write Documentation
Using the context package, one can easily
pass cancellation signals and deadlines to various services of the client for
handling a request. In case there is no context available, then context.Background()
can be used as a starting point.
This library is distributed under the MIT LICENSE found in the LICENSE file.