is providing an alternative router for play 2.1.2
(and above) java apps by implementing (a subset of) the JAX-RS specification on top of play.
use this router instead of the built-in one if you are interested in a native java solution that also significantly improves build times. The price you will need to pay for this is lack of reverse routing and compile time routing checks.
using reflection for action dispatching instead of matching generated route rules
since there are no router files to compile and sbt can not invalidate big parts of the object graph, compile times are significantly better than using the standard solution
only supports java projects for two reasons:
- annotations are primary used in java
- scala users already have a very scala-centric routing solution
route definitions are provided inline. Some people prefer this over an external DSL, especially in a backend service-only context
reflection based dispatching means no reverse routing or compile time checks for route matching
since there is no route file, assets controller is configured via the config file
on yourGlobal
class can define a context (think servlet context) -
works both on classes and methods -
URI parts can be captured (i.e.
) -
the captured field can only be a String i.e.
public static Result id(@PathParam("id") String id) {
public static Result id(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("foo") Optional<String> foo) {
return ok("id=" + id + " query=" + foo.or("booo"));
plus all the standard play features should be working (i.e. action composition, dependency injection, assets serving etc.).
- check out the [examples] ([specs] (
you can install play-jaxrs
in three easy steps:
"org.pk11" %% "jax-rs" % "0.6"
to your project/Build.scala
file's app dependencies
- also
resolvers += "pk11" at ""
should be part of your settings
finally, set it up in your
public play.api.mvc.Handler onRouteRequest(RequestHeader request) {
return Play.application().plugin(org.pk11.jaxrs.RouterPlugin.class).handlerFor(this, request);
and that's it.
after cloning and cd-ing into the main directory
$ play test
$ play -Djaxrs=only publish-local
Published under The MIT License, see LICENSE