food-diary is a web application for tracking calories count for meals eaten daily. It represents an interactive diary, which is able to record notes about products and their quantities and calculate calories for each note (or group of notes) recorded.
The diary is organized by dates. Each date contains notes that are grouped by meal types (breakfast, lunch, etc.). A note includes information about a product and its quantity. Products are categorized into categories. Each product has a name and a calorie cost per 100 g of the product's quantity recorded. Using this information, the application can calculate the calorie count of a single note or a group of notes (for a specific meal type or date).
This information can be extremely useful for people who want to keep track of the energy value of the meals they consume daily.
Setup Google OAuth 2.0 client you will use for sign in
- Add Authorized JavaScript origins: https://localhost:8080
- Add Authorized redirect URIs: https://localhost:8080/signin-google
Create a copy of
file and save it as.env
:cat .env.example >> .env
Fill your credentials, then run:
docker-compose up -d
Navigate to https://localhost:8080
Start PostgreSQL database:
docker run -p 5432:5432 --name postgres \ -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \ -e POSTGRES_DB=FoodDiary \ -d postgres:15.1-alpine
Optional: PgAdmin can be started like this:
docker run -p 5050:80 --name pgadmin -e "" -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=postgres" -d dpage/pgadmin4
Install .NET SDK 8.0.100 or higher
Install Node.js 18.16.0 or higher
Install yarn package manager
Fill necessary secrets:
dotnet user-secrets --project src/backend/src/FoodDiary.API set "Auth:AllowedEmails:0" "<your_email>" dotnet user-secrets --project src/backend/src/FoodDiary.API set "ConnectionStrings:Default" "<your_db_connection_string>" # Optional, used in recognize note by photo feature dotnet user-secrets --project src/backend/src/FoodDiary.API set "Integrations:OpenAI:ApiKey" "<your_OpenAI_api_key>"
Allowed email should be compatible with Google Identity Provider
Run migrations:
dotnet run --project src/backend/src/FoodDiary.Migrator
Start backend application:
dotnet run --project src/backend/src/FoodDiary.API
Start frontend application:
cd src/frontend yarn start
Navigate to https://localhost:8080
Go to frontend project directory:
cd src/frontend
Create local env config:
touch env.local
Fill env.local
with this values:
Name | Type | Description |
string |
Specifies a backend API base URL without a trim slash, e.g. https://localhost:8080 |
number |
Specifies the auth status check interval in milliseconds to ensure that users with expired cookies will not be able to use the application without refreshing the page in the browser. Not used if VITE_APP_FAKE_AUTH_ENABLED is true |
boolean |
Enables demo mode. In demo mode, some features related to file system or external integrations are disabled |
boolean |
Setups fake authentication flow without using a backend server and OAuth Identity provider. Used for local development |
boolean |
Defines whether the user is authenticated by default when using a fake authentication flow. Used for local development |
boolean |
Enables mockServiceWorker to intercept and mock all API requests. Used for testing or local development purposes |
boolean |
Enables Google Analytics |
string |
Measurement (data stream) ID for Google Analytics |
number |
Sets delay (in milliseconds) before all mock API responses. Not used if VITE_APP_MSW_ENABLED is false |
dotnet ef migrations add <migration_name> \
-s src/backend/src/FoodDiary.API \
-p src/backend/src/FoodDiary.Infrastructure \
-o Migrations
This favicon was generated using the following graphics from Twitter Twemoji:
- Graphics Title: 1f96c.svg
- Graphics Author: Copyright 2020 Twitter, Inc and other contributors (
- Graphics Source:
- Graphics License: CC-BY 4.0 (