This is my collection of dotfiles. There are many like it but this one is mine.
It does the following:
- configures zsh shell
- installs antibody as plugin manager
- installs some useful zsh plugins
- sets up powerlevel10k prompt
- sets up configuration files for various programs like git, curl, ssh, etc.
- includes optional macOS configuration
I use this repository for myself. While you are free to use it, or fork it, it is in no way intended as a general tool for all to use. It may break your setup, or change it in a way you don't like. Use at your own risk.
This will download a shell script that clones the repository into ~/dotfiles
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
You can manually checkout the repo if you want to, and run the install script afterwards.
git clone ~/.dotfiles && ~/.dotfiles/bin/dotfiles
You should run the update when:
- You want to pull changes from the remote repository.
- You want to update Homebrew formulae and other dependencies.
Run the dotfiles command (it should be part of your $PATH
after installation):
dotfiles [--skip=<update|dependencies>]
Thanks to:
- Mathias Bynens for (probably without knowing) letting me copy me his collection of dotfiles