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Quickref Series @ Planet Jekyll

JekyllOctopressGitHub PagesYAML (for Data Files)WordPress

YAML Quick Reference (Cheat Sheet) for Jekyll Data Files, Front Matter and Collections

YAML Ain't Markup Language - a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages

Table of Contents

What's human friendly?

Let's you use comments or blank lines or spaces

Example - themes.yml:

# Dr Jekyll's Themes - Add Your Theme!

- title:     Bootstrap
  github:    drjekyllthemes/jekyll-bootstrap-theme
  branch:    gh-pages
  author:    Edward Hyde
  thumbnail: drjekyll-bootstrap.png
  license:   Public Domain

# Another (Possible) Formatting Style

- title     : Classics Book     # Todo: Rename to World Classics - Why? Why Not?
  github    : drjekyllthemes/jekyll-book-theme
  branch    : gh-pages
  author    : Edward Hyde
  thumbnail : drjekyll-book.png
  license   : Public Domain  

is the same as:

- title: Bootstrap
  github: drjekyllthemes/jekyll-bootstrap-theme
  branch: gh-pages
  author: Edward Hyde
  thumbnail: drjekyll-bootstrap.png
  license: Public Domain
- title: Classics Book
  github: drjekyllthemes/jekyll-book-theme
  branch: gh-pages
  author: Edward Hyde
  thumbnail: drjekyll-book.png
  license: Public Domain

Note: The colon (:) key/value separator MUST (only) be followed by a space, thus, you can use title : Classics Books and so on.

Note: The number sign / hash (#) used for inline end-of-line comments MUST have both a leading and trailing space e.g. some text here # comment starts here, otherwise the number sign / hash is just part of the string e.g. Jekyll - The #1 Static Site Generator works as expected.

Let's you use strings or keys without (requiring) quotes

title:   Bootstrap
github:  drjekyllthemes/jekyll-bootstrap-theme
author:  Edward Hyde

is the same as:

"title": "Bootstrap"
"github": "drjekyllthemes/jekyll-bootstrap-theme"
"author": "Edward Hyde"


When to use quotes for your strings?

If your string includes a colon (:) you MUST quote your string. Otherwise, the colon is interpreted as a key/value separator (e.g. key: value). Example:

title: "Text Processing with Ruby: Extract Value from the Data That Surrounds You"
title: "Sinatra: Up and Running - Ruby for the Web, Simply"
title: "Using JRuby: Bringing Ruby to Java"

Note: You can quote your strings using double quotes ("") e.g. "Using JRuby: Bringing Ruby to Java" or single quotes('') e.g. 'Using JRuby: Bringing Ruby to Java'.

Data File Examples

List of Key/Value Records • Nested List of Key/Value Records • Hash (Dictionary) of Key/Value Records • Multi-File List of Key/Value Records

Note: You can browse the examples live in action at the Sandbox Example Site @ Planet Jekyll. See the start page or the sandbox site sources.

List of Key/Value Records

Book List Example -books.yml:

- title:     "Text Processing with Ruby: Extract Value from the Data That Surrounds You"
  author:    Rob Miller
  cover:     2015/text-processing-with-ruby.jpg
  publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf
  date:      Nov 2015
  pages:     200 pages (est)

- title:     "Learn Ruby the Hard Way"
  subtitle:  A Simple and Idiomatic Intro to the Imaginative World Of Computational Thinking with Code
  edition:   3rd Edition
  author:    Zed Shaw
  cover:     2014/learn-ruby-the-hard-way.jpg
  publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series)
  date:      Dec 2014
  pages:     336 pages

- title:     "Sinatra: Up and Running - Ruby for the Web, Simply"
  author:    Alan Harris, Konstantin Haase
  cover:     2011/sinatra-up-and-running.jpg
  publisher: O'Reilly Media
  date:      Dec 2011
  pages:     122 pages

Use like:

{% for book in %}
  <a href="{{ book.book_url }}">
    <img src="{{site.url}}/i/{{book.cover}}">
  {{ book.title }}
  {% if book.edition %}
    ({{ book.edition}})
  {% endif %}
  by {{ }};
  {{ book.publisher }}, {{ }}; {{ book.pages}}
{% endfor %}

Nested List of Key/Value Records

Navigation Menu Example -nav.yml:

- title: Home
  href:  /

- title: Learn
  href:  /learning-resources/
  - title: Learning topic one
    href:  /learn1/
  - title: Learning topic two
    href:  /learn2/
  - title: Learning topic three
    href:  /learn3/

- title: Tools
  - title: Tools one
    href:  /tools1/
  - title: Tools two
    href:  /tools2/

- title: About Us
  href:  /about-us/

Use like:

  {% for nav in %}
    {% if nav.subcategories %}
        <a href="{{ site.url }}{{ nav.href }}">{{ nav.title }} ▼</a>
        {% for subcategory in nav.subcategories %}
          <li><a href="{{ site.url }}{{ subcategory.href }}">{{ subcategory.title }}</a></li>
        {% endfor %}
    {% else %} 
        <a href="{{ site.url }}{{ nav.href }}">{{ nav.title }}</a>
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

Hash (Dictionary) of Key/Value Records

Author List Example - authors.yml:

  name:    Dr Henry Jekyll
  twitter: henryjekyll

  name:    Edward Hyde
  twitter: edhyde

Use like:

Example 1) Lookup author info in a post

title:  A Strange Case
author: henry

{% assign author =[ ] %}

<a href="{{ author.twitter }}">
   {{ }}

Multi-File List of Key/Value Records

Note: You can place data files in (sub)folders of the _data folder. Each folder level will get added to the variable's namespace e.g.

Org Example #1 - orgs/jekyll.yml:

name:   Jekyll
github: jekyll

- name:   Parker Moore
  github: parkr
- name:   Jordon Bedwell
  github: envygeeks

Org Example #2 - orgs/octopress.yml:

name:   Octopress
github: octopress

- name:   Brandon Mathis
  github: imathis

Use like:

{% for org_hash in %}
{% assign org = org_hash[1] %}
    <a href="{{ org.username }}">
      {{ }}
    ({{ org.members | size }} members)
{% endfor %}

Front Matter Examples

List of Key/Value Records • Multi-File List of Key/Value Records w/ Collections

List of Key/Value Records

Portfolio Example, Part 1/2 (Front Matter) - portfolio.html:

layout: default
title:  Histories, Tragedies and Comedies
- title:     Richard II
  category:  History
  cover:     richard-ii.jpg
- title:     Henry VI, Part 1
  category:  History
  cover:     henry-vi-1.png
- title:     Romeo and Juliet
  category:  Tragedy
  cover:     romeo-n-juliet.jpg
- title:     Hamlet
  category:  Tragedy
  cover:     hamlet.gif
- title:     Antony and Cleopatra
  category:  Tragedy
  cover:     antony-n-cleopatra.jpg
- title:     All's Well That Ends Well 
  author:    Comedy
  cover:     alls-well-that-ends-well.jpg
- title:     A Midsummer Night's Dream 
  author:    Comedy
  cover:     a-midsummer-nights-dream.jpg

Use like:

Portfolio Example, Part 2/2 (Continued) - portfolio.html:

<h1>{{ page.title }}

<div class='porfolio'>
{% for work in page.portfolio %}

  <div class='work'>
    <img src="{{site.url}}/i/portfolio/{{work.cover}}">
    {{ work.title }} // {{ work.category }}

{% endfor %}

Note: The portfolio is defined inside the page (in the front matter), thus, use page.portfolio instead of to reference (e.g. loop over) the list.

Multi-File List of Key/Value Records w/ Collections

Albums Example #1 - _albums/josquin.html:

title: "Josquin: Missa De beata virgine and Missa Ave maris stella"
artist: "The Tallis Scholars"
director: "Peter Phillips"
- title: "Missa De beata virgine"
  composer: "Josquin des Prez"
  - title: "Kyrie"
    duration: "4:25"
  - title: "Gloria"
    duration: "9:53"
  - title: "Credo"
    duration: "9:09"
  - title: "Sanctus & Benedictus"
    duration: "7:47"
  - title: "Agnus Dei I, II & III"
    duration: "6:49"

Albums Example #2 - _albums/hayden.html:

title: "Hayden: ??"
artist: "??"
director: "??"
- title: "??"
  composer: "??"
  - title: "??"
    duration: "4:25"
  - title: "??"
    duration: "9:53"

Use like:

Example Catalog - catalog.html:

layout: default
title:  Album Catalog
{% for album in site.albums %}
  <h2>{{ album.title }}</h2>
  Performed by {{ album.artist }}{% if album.director %}, directed by {{ album.director }}{% endif %}
  {% for work in %}
    <h3>{{ work.title }}</h3>
    <p>Composed by {{ work.composer }}</p>
    {% for track in work.tracks %}
      <li>{{ track.title }} ({{ track.duration }})</li>
    {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Note: Using collections you can access ALL front matters from all files from anywhere (not just inside a collection page) using the collection name e.g. site.albums.


Multi-Line Strings

Unfolded (e.g. Keep Newlines) - |

text: |
   There once was a short man from Ealing
   Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
       It said on the door
       "Please don't spit on the floor"
   So he carefully spat on the ceiling

The leading indent (of the first line) and trailing white space gets stripped e.g. becoming:

There once was a short man from Ealing\n
Who got on a bus to Darjeeling\n
    It said on the door\n
    "Please don't spit on the floor"\n
So he carefully spat on the ceiling\n

Folded (e.g. Strip Newlines) - >

text: >
   Wrapped text
   will be folded
   into a single
   Blank lines  denote
   paragraph breaks

Folded text converts newlines to spaces and removes leading whitespaces e.g. becoming:

Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph\n
Blank lines denote paragraph breaks\n

Inline Style a.k.a. JSON-Style

Note: As an alternative syntax you can use the inline style for lists (e.g. JSON arrays) and hashes/dictionaries (e.g. JSON objects). Example:

[{ "title":     "Bootstrap",
   "github":    "drjekyllthemes/jekyll-bootstrap-theme",
   "author":    "Edward Hyde",
   "thumbnail": "drjekyll-bootstrap.png" },
 { "title":     "Classics Book",
   "github":    "drjekyllthemes/jekyll-book-theme",
   "author":    "Edward Hyde",
   "thumbnail": "drjekyll-book.png" }]

is the same as:

 { "title": Bootstrap", "github": "drjekyllthemes/jekyll-bootstrap-theme", "author": "Edward Hyde", "thumbnail": "drjekyll-bootstrap.png" },
 { "title": "Classics Book", "github": "drjekyllthemes/jekyll-book-theme", "author": "Edward Hyde", "thumbnail": "drjekyll-book.png" }

or the same as:

- title     : Bootstrap
  github    : drjekyllthemes/jekyll-bootstrap-theme
  author    : Edward Hyde
  thumbnail : drjekyll-bootstrap.png
- title     : Classics Book
  github    : drjekyllthemes/jekyll-book-theme
  author    : Edward Hyde
  thumbnail : drjekyll-book.png

Yes, the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a just another (welcome and working) formatting style for datafiles.

Literal Keys

Note: You can use upper case letters in your keys (e.g. Teams), add spaces (e.g. Bundesliga Teams) and even start with numbers (e.g. 18 Teams). Example:

18 Teams:
  - Austria Wien
  - SC Salzburg
  - Sturm Graz

More Gotchas

No Tabs (\t) for Indentation - Use Spaces, Period

Note: Always use spaces for indentation, period. Make sure no tabs (\t) have somehow ended up in your datafile leading to unexpected results.

Predefined Boolean 'n' No Value Constants - True/False, Yes/No, On/Off, ~/Null

Note: The boolean true and false constants e.g.:

true, True, TRUE
y, Y, yes, YES, YES
on, ON, ON
false, False, FALSE
n, N, no, No, NO
off, Off, OFF

will become boolean values e.g. true or false. If you want end-up with a string e.g.:

recommend: Yes       # note: will become => true (boolean)

make sure you use a quoted version e.g.:

recommend: "Yes"     # note: will become => "Yes" (string)

Note: The same holds for the no value null constants e.g.:

null, Null, NULL

will become => null (no value). Note: A key without a value will end-up with a null value (and not an empty string, for example). To get an empty string use "" e.g.:

key1:           # note: value will become => null (no value); same as key1: null  or key1: ~
key2: ""        # note: value will become => "" (string)


  • YAML Online Linter (web: - paste in your YAML and click "Go" - the linter will tell you if your datafile is valid or not, and print out a nice clean formatted version in UTF-8


YAML Headquarters




The YAML Quick Reference is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Post them to the wwwmake forum. Thanks!