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Investment Fund DAO Protocol



Investment companies and foundations based on investor confidence through reputation or marketing are trusted, but this does not protect the investor from fund default risks and fraud. Changing the market for open data allows you to approach the subject of investment more carefully, but not the fund. The decision of the consensus fund based on the blockchain PlasmaDLT has the functions of traditional fiat finance in the form of smart digital money with bank processing Swift / Sepa and Visa / Mastercard, programmable smart contracts and tokenized assets with high cryptographic strength, all this allows you to build a completely new and transparent fund with consensual management

Protocol Features:

  • Tokenized asset issue and price сonfiguration
  • Income distribution and automated payouts
  • Asset Exchange
  • DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) Voiting systems for project management
  • External data management system
  • Referral Loyalty System

Useful links:

Mainet ChainID


Gateway Endpoint

Protocol Applicability

Protocol consensus

The protocol acts as an immutable business logic scenario in which all members fulfill their immutable role. The protocol ensures the security and authenticity of information. The consensus of the fund is determined by strict voting rules of the participants, where each member has his own role and weight of vote, depending on the transferred or managed capital. Security of the protocol based on the principles of cryptography and data replication in an unchanged form is provided by the PlasmaDLT blockchain nodes.

Investor consensus

Voting for the selection of candidates and including in trust management by the vote of all investors, the vote being equal to the amount of the investment in the investor’s fund, where the weight of all votes is determined and distributed as a percentage of the total votes of investors.

Perform the functions:

  • Voting for candidate selection;
  • Voting for the exclusion of a candidate;
  • Voting for exceptions to the investment strategy;
  • Receiving dividends.

Candidate Consensus

They perform the function of trusted money management, and are appointed by investors by general vote. The weight of the candidate’s vote is equal to the number of trusted votes from investors, where the weight of all votes is distributed as a percentage of the total number of candidate votes. Role in the management of each candidate serves in decision-making by voting ⅔ the functions of the fund under consideration.

Perform the functions:

  • Analytics invest offers;
  • Building investment strategies;
  • Asset inclusion management;
  • Management of asset allocation in investment offers;
  • Financial flow management;
  • Management in protocol code change.

Applicable for DAO Organization

  • Equity funds;
  • Bond funds;
  • Mixed investment funds
  • Index funds;
  • Money market funds;
  • Fund funds;
  • Real estate funds;
  • Funds of especially risky (venture) investments;
  • Cryptocurrency funds;
  • Private equity funds.

Protocol Structures

Token Issue and Configuration

The PlasmaPay platform mechanisms allow the investor to create and distribute custom tokens. Dependns on invest fund business goals,various scenarios could be applied. This document covers the base one, but - we are opened to discuss all the pipelines you are interested in.

Basically, the following are needed for token creation and deployment

  • Deleveloper toolset - ION.CDT, text editor or IDE
  • Smart-contract, written w.r.t ION.CDT tool, based on C++ language
  • Deploy script - bash commands to communicate with Plasma Networks

Develop toolset - could be easily found within this GitHub repository, please, follow instructions

Smart-contract for PlasmaPay network - this is more sophisticated item. This repository contains an example for simple token - please look the following code:

Based on this source code, you could easily create the each token you needed. In general, invest-token smart contract should support and implement the following actions:

 * void create(name issuer, asset maximum_supply);
 * void issue(name to, asset quantity, string memo);
 * void retire(asset quantity, string memo);
 * void transfer(name from, name to, asset quantity, string memo);

 * ... etc, user defined ...

Deploy script - bash commands to communicate with Plasma Networks

Please, find below demo commands. Consider this code as foundation for base pipeline for integrating and deploying. PlasmaPay network fully supports this mechanisms.

Create token

Create token in production

Import wallet

sol --url --wallet-url   wallet import --private-key 5JF********************************
  • unlock wallet
sol --url --wallet-url wallet unlock --password 5JF********************************

Buckle you token with ion contracts

sol --url --wallet-url set contract accountname  Users/contracts/ion.token -p accountname@active

Deploy contract in production

sol --url --wallet-url --url set contract accountname /Users/contracts/ion.token -p accountname@active
Reading WASM from Users/plasma//build/contracts/ion.token/ion.token.wasm...
Publishing contract...
executed transaction: Wcsc********************************  10048 bytes  4014 us
#           ion <= ion::setcode                 {"account":"accountname","vmtype":0,"vmversion":0,"code":"00sd********************************...
#           ion <= ion::setabi                  {"account":"accountname","abi":"0c696********************************...
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet         ]

Create Supply

sol --url --wallet-url  push action accountname create '{"issuer": "accountname", "maximum_supply": "1000000.000000 TEST"}' -p accountname@active

executed transaction: eef5b********************************  120 bytes  729 us
#  accountname <= accountname::create         {"issuer":"accountname","maximum_supply":"1000000.000000 TEST"}
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet         ]

Check supply

 sol --url --wallet-url get currency stats accountname TEST

  "TEST": {
    "supply": "0.000000 TEST",
    "max_supply": "1000000.000000 TEST",
    "issuer": "accountname"

Allow the system wrap contract - call the actions of our token (BUY/SELL) with inter rate token contract

sol --url --wallet-url set account permission accountname active '{"keys": [{"key": "PLASMA***************************", "weight": 1}], "threshold": 1, "accounts": [
{"permission": {"actor": "simple.token", "permission": "ion.code"}, "weight": 1}
], "waits": []}' -p accountname@active

Income distribution and automated payouts

Sending a deposit to the Investment Fund

The investor sends the investment fund's accounts to the escrow deposit of the investment, in return receives a confirmation of ownership of the fund's share in the form of tokenized obligations of the Investment Fund. The investor can request these obligations back in exchange for investments by the decision of all holders of obligations or exchange them in the secondary market.

Investment Fund Dividend Distribution

Investment fund bank, receives income and distributes it among holders of tokenized fund liabilities

Fund investment allocation

The investment fund distributes investments in investment ideas by voting of delegates' investors, each investment idea forms its own tokenized obligations.

Distribution of income Invest projects

An investment project receives income and distributes it among holders of tokenized obligations owned by the investment fund.

There are a few major elements, constructing fully connected payout system, related to invest-found.

  • bank account
  • smart-contract, responsible for profit distribution among the holders of tokenized obligations
  • oracle services, kind of smart watchers, execution 24h repeated actions for smart-constracts

Bank account - this is kinda blockchain account, containing (owning) some funds, which is gonna to be distributed. Bank account accepts some funds - as a comission rewards for invest tokens owners, or some compensations for transfers, etc..

This funds are needed to be distributed - among the token holders. Please, pay attention to the following smart-contract, responsible for rewards execution

Based on this API and source code, you can easily implement you own reward system, or you can apply the existing one. Take this as a basis, and reward operations would be fully processed.

One simple command is fairly enough - to deploy this smart contract, after compilation with ION.CDT tool.

sol --url --wallet-url set contract accountname host-share/contracts/accountreward -p accountreward@active*

Also, this API call (for example - rewards execution) could be maintained by some serive, oracle watcher. The idea is to execute rewards daily, or onces in some time (12h). Please, refer to the following code sample -

This code, based on JS and written with PlasmaJS library, once per day (timeout = 24h) executes reward action of some smart-contract. If you connect all the elements - bank account, smart-contract, responsible for rewards processing, oracle service - for rewards execution, fully self-sufficient invest-found system coulb be build.

Asset Exchange

Set the token rate against PLASMA token PBV = 2 / (10 ^ 4), 1 PBV = 0,0002 PLASMA

sol --url --wallet-url push action simple.token updaterate '["accountname", "TEST", "PLASMA", "2", "4"]' -p accountname@active

Voiting systems for project management - DAO

Delegate Selection

To use the voting system, the choice of delegates and projects for investment, you can use the proposed PlasmaPay smart counter simple_vote.

Each owner can be a delegate and an authorized account for decision-making. on investments.

You can use the smart contract method

void registrate(ion::name account);

method parameter is the name of the account, the candidate for delegate. Check that the account has the right amount of tokens, or holds these tokens for a certain period of time - implemented from the outside, the usual classic request get stat, or at the discretion of the user - the implementation may be different.

After adding a user to the confection, other users - token holders, can vote for the candidate. You can use the smart contract method for this.

void addvote(ion::name account, ion::name candidate);

method parameters are the name of the account that is voting and the name of the candidate for whom the vote is. It is assumed that the candidate, having different tokens, can participate in different investment funds. On the side of the investment fund regulation remains - which users, token holders, can take part in the vote. Having a certain balance, or participating in the project for a long time, etc.

When gaining a certain number of votes, the candidate becomes a delegate. It happens automatically the number of votes to initiate the transition - configurable on the side of the investment fund. All candidates and delegates are stored in separate blockchain tables that are publicly available, for example, through the API

sol --url --wallet-url  get table candidates
sol --url --wallet-url  get table delegates

As soon as a candidate becomes a delegate, this account will automatically be given permission to vote for choosing a project for investment.

Any project wishing to receive investments can apply by registering in the invest fund system. To do this, you can use the following method

void addproject(ion::name user, ion::name project, ion::name bank, ion::asset quantity);

method parameters - user registering the project - account name of the project for investment - account for transferring funds - desired amount of investment

user, project name and bank account - it is permissible that they can be the same name, match. the status of each project can be tracked using the request

sol --url --wallet-url get table investments

In addition to the basic information, you can see in the table how many votes the project has gained at the moment, its status. Each project has its quota, or percentage - how many votes it should receive from delegates. This parameter is configured on the side of the invest fund, and can be either a number - conditionally 20 votes, or a percentage - 70% of delegates should support. As soon as one of the two conditions is fulfilled, the transfer of funds takes place automatically to the account specified by the project. Transfer occurs instantly after receiving a decisive vote. You can use the method to vote for the project.

void support(ion::name project, ion::name delegate);

method parameters - this is the name of the project, and the name of the delegate - who votes for investments in this project.

Investors conduct voting for the choice of a delegate by a single vote.

  • Voting for candidate selection;
  • Voting for the exclusion of a candidate;
  • Voting for exceptions to the investment strategy;
  • Receiving dividends.

Delegates voting management

Delegates manage the investment fund and make decisions by voting ⅔ of all delegates.

  • Analytics invest offers;
  • Building investment strategies;
  • Asset inclusion management;
  • Management of asset allocation in investment offers;
  • Financial flow management;
  • Management in protocol code change.

PlasmaPay platform implements the multisig mechanism, to provide delegates voting management. Multisig is a term frequently used in the cryptographic and blockchain space. Essentially it enables multiple parties to sign or approve an action that takes place - typically a requirement for certain wallets, accounts, and smart contracts to prevent a rogue or hacked individual from performing detrimental actions. This allows us to manage invest found's delegates. Each transaction, related to voting or applying investment strategies, could be configured via multisig investment strategies. Let's have a look at example.

Lets assume we have four accounts created on the network:

  • mymultisig11 - a multisig account we will configure
  • partner11111 - first personal account
  • partner22222 - second personal account
  • partner33333 - third personal account

Bash example - how to configure execution

sol --url  --wallet-url set account permission mymultisig11 active '{"threshold":2,"keys":[],"accounts":[{"permission":{"actor":"partner11111","permission":"active"},"weight":1},{"permission":{"actor":"partner22222","permission":"active"},"weight":1},{"permission":{"actor":"partner33333","permission":"active"},"weight":1}],"waits":[]}' owner -p mymultisig11@owner

Proposal - let's make an investment or vote for delegate

sol --url  --wallet-url  multisig propose payme '[{"actor": "partner22222", "permission": "active"},{"actor": "partner33333", "permission": "active"}]' '[{"actor": "mymultisig11", "permission": "active"}]' ion.token transfer '{"from":"mymultisig11", "to":"partner11111", "quantity":"25.0000 TEST", "memo":"Pay partner11111 some money"}' -p partner11111@active

Ok, I agree and gonna approve

sol --url  --wallet-url   multisig approve partner11111 payme '{"actor": "partner22222", "permission": "active"}' -p partner22222@active

Now that the multisig transaction is approved and user can execute it.

sol --url  --wallet-url multisig exec partner11111 payme -p partner11111@active

External data management system

Orcale.JS Setup

Let's have a look - how typical oracle web-service execution works. The process could be separated into the following steps

  • Dependencies and packages install
  • Setup necessary configuration data
  • Oracle module run

Firstly, execute the following command - npm install (in package directory, no arguments): Install the dependencies in the local node_modules folder. This allows all the neccesary files and packages to be installed, required for oracle module.

Then, have a look at the config file example -

You should setup appropriate parameters, connected w.r.t your network and smart-contract dara.

  • chainId - hash representing the ID of the chain

  • httpEndpoint - the corresponding value is the API endpoint

  • updateInterval - oracle service repeat time

  • account, contract, key - smart-contract namings, required for actions execution, for example - transfer or reward.

And the last step - oracle module run.

One simple command -> node oracle.js, and you plasma web service is running. Docker

git clone
cd oracle
// install node modules
npm install
// run oracle
 nodemon --watch fiat --watch shared --watch

For better integration, data protection, privacy and safety reasons, you are obliged to apply some third-party software, such as Docker, Cubernetes, to embed your service into.

Referral Loyalty System (soon)

The Referral protocol is a modular solution for setting up a referral system that allows you to create a multi-level system where the affiliate attracts new buyers and referrals using the generated link, distributing it on their social networks, instant messengers and among friends, which will allow you to receive a certain percentage from the purchase of goods from the attracted user, each attracted referral which will attract new customers will also generate rewards to its affiliate. This system works on a chain of blocks (blockchain) where each transaction is tracked with the help of which it is easy to determine the sequence of the referral system.


  • Use of 42 fiat currencies PlasmaDLT
  • Registration and wallet
  • Consensual Voting and the Selection of Delegates
  • Multi-level reward system
  • Adding referral programs
  • Reward Percentage Configuration
  • Adding Traditional Products
  • Creating Tokenized Products

The principle of the referral system

For more information on working with the registration process API:

  1. Affiliate: Register on the site of the Fund website, Fund website creates an Affiliate account (wallet) in the Plasma DLT system.
  2. Affiliate: creates his own unique link in the personal account of the site
  3. Referral follows the link performing an action (registration)
  4. Fund website: sends a JSON transaction to the PlasmaDLT system with parameters from the fund’s account, the referral from the account of the affiliate is registered in the contract of the referral program, the affiliate will receive from the fund a percentage of the referral’s investments.
  5. Fund’s website: will pay% of purchases to the account Affiliate from the Referral account
  6. Affiliate: will send% of the proceeds from Referrals to its Affiliate

Affiliate rewards are multi-level not only with the purchase of a referral, but also with purchases made by people who use the referral referral link.