Interplay is a set of sbt plugins for Play builds, sharing common configuration between Play builds so that they can be configured in one place.
Ensure you're using sbt 0.13.15, by setting sbt.version
in project/
Add the interplay plugin to project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("" % "interplay" % sys.props.get("interplay.version").getOrElse("2.1.2"))
By allowing the version to be overridden using system properties, this means the Play nightly builds can override it to use the latest version.
Now which plugins you enable and what configuration you set depends on the structure of your build. In all cases, you should set playBuildRepoName in ThisBuild
to be the name of the GitHub repository in the playframework
organisation that the project lives in.
If your project is a simple library that gets used in a Play application then enable the PlayLibrary
plugin on it.
If your project is an sbt plugin, then enable the PlaySbtPlugin
plugin on it.
If your project is not an sbt plugin, but does get used by sbt, then enable the PlaySbtLibrary
plugin on it.
If you have a root project that is just a meta project that aggregates all your projects together, but itself shouldn't be published, then enable the PlayRootProject
plugin on it.
In general, your root project should aggregate all the projects you want to publish. If it aggregates projects that you don't want to publish, you can make them not published by enabling the PlayNoPublish
If your project includes documentation that you want included in the main Play documentation, you can allow this by adding the Playdoc
plugin to it. In that case you also will need to configure the playdocDirectory
to point to the documentation directory.