deploy a solidity smart contract with hardhat and interact with it in nodejs.
mkdir project_name
cd project_name
# init yarn project and install hardhat
yarn init
yarn add --dev hardhat
yarn hardhat
Delete the Lock.sol contract, create a new file ContractExemple.sol, write your own smart contract
Go into scripts/deploys.sol and modify the file (code in the repo at scripts/deploy.ts)
# compile your contract:
yarn hardhat compile
# run the hardhat node:
yarn hardhat node
Open a new terminal window
# deploy the contract:
yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network localhost
# Install nodemon, web3, ws and express
yarn add --dev nodemon
yarn add web3 ws express
write your nodejs script in server.mjs to interact with your smart contract and use his function
run the nodejs script :
npm run dev
good job !