This was created to have the proper types for the asana api. The official node-asana sdk is generated with their open-api spec but doesn't includes types and there seems to be some inconsistencies with @types/asana. Found an issue that suggested using the open-api generator with asana's open-api spec and which is used to generate the /src/lib/asanaClient folder.
All of the generated api classes are added to exported Asana class with the below having changes to not have to destructure the data key returned from both axios and Asana:
- PortfolioMemberships
- Portfolios
- ProjectMemberships
- Projects
- TeamMemberships
- Teams
- Users
yarn add @pliancy/asana-sdk
import { Asana } from '@pliancy/asana-sdk'
const asana = new Asana({accessToken: '12345'}, 'workspaceGid', 'ownerGid')
The below command will create the generated /src/lib/asanaClient folder
yarn dev