The intended readers of this page are:
Appliance developers interested in learning how TurnKey works under the hood and developing their own configuration hooks.
Hosting providers and private cloud operators interested in implementing tight integration between TurnKey and custom control panels.
This isn't a requirement, just a bonus. TurnKey images can be deployed like any other Debian or Debian-based image, using your existing deployments scripts. If you can deploy Debian or Ubuntu it should be trivial to deploy TurnKey.
The inithooks package executes system initialization scripts which:
- Regenerate secret keys (e.g., SSH, default SSL certificate): This isn't just a good idea, it's necessary to avoid man in the middle attacks.
- Set passwords (e.g., root, database, application): necessary to avoid the risk of hardwired default passwords
- Configure basic application settings (e.g., domain, admin email): especially useful when configuring the application would require hunting down the format of a configuration file.
Also, Inithooks provides a preseeding mechanism designed to make it easy to integrate TurnKey with custom control panels provided by various virtualization solutions and cloud hosting providers.
Inithooks itself is as generic and barebones as possible, leaving the bulk of functionality up to the appliance specific "hook" scripts themselves,
These scripts are located in two sub-directories under /usr/lib/inithooks - everyboot.d and firstboot.d.
They are executed in alphanumeric ordering. This means a script named 1-foo would be executed before 2-bar, which would itself be executed before 3-foobar. That's why scripts in these directories have funny numbers at the beginning.
The inithooks top-level init script is executed early on in system initialization, at runlevel 2 15. This enables configuration of the system prior to most services starting. This should be taken into consideration when developing hook scripts.
Scripts in the firstboot.d sub-directory are executed under the following conditions:
If the user executes "turnkey-init" from a root shell. This command can be used to rerun the firstboot.d inithooks interactively to reconfigure the appliance if needed. Certain scripts such as those that regenerate secret keys are skipped. See BLACKLIST variable in /usr/sbin/turnkey-init for details.
When the user logs in as root for the first time into a headless system. This triggers "turnkey-init" to run so that the user can interactively complete appliance initialization.
When a TurnKey appliance boots for the first time
inithooks checks whether or not this is the first boot by checking the value of the RUN_FIRSTBOOT flag in /etc/default/inithooks. If the value is false it runs the scripts and toggles the flag to true.
The firstboot scripts may run in one of two modes, interactive or non-interactive, depending on the type of build.
Interactive mode on non-headless builds - Live CD ISO, VMDK and OVF: With these image types interactive access to the virtual console during boot is expected so some of the inithooks initialization scripts will interact with the user via text dialogs the first time the system boots (e.g., ask for passwords, application settings, etc.). These are the same scripts that get executed if you run "turnkey-init".
Non-interactive mode on headless builds - OpenStack, OpenVZ, OpenNode, Xen: with these image types interactive access to the virtual console during boot can not be assumed. The first boot has to be capable of running non-interactively, otherwise we risk hanging the boot while it waits for user interaction that never happens.
So instead of interacting with the user the system pre-initializes application settings with dummy defaults and set all passwords to a random value. If a root password has already been set (e.g., in a pre-deployment script) the headless preseeding script will not overwrite it, so your root password should work just fine.
The output from the non-interactive running of the firstboot scripts is logged to /var/log/inithooks.log.
Interactive appliance configuration is delayed until the first time the user logs in as root. This is accomplished with the help of the /usr/lib/inithooks/firstboot.d/29preseed hook, which only exists on headless builds:
#!/bin/bash -e # generic preseeding of inithooks.conf if it doesn't exist [ -e $INITHOOKS_CONF ] && exit 0 MASTERPASS=$(mcookie | cut --bytes 1-8) cat>$INITHOOKS_CONF<<EOF export ROOT_PASS=$MASTERPASS export DB_PASS=$MASTERPASS export APP_PASS=$MASTERPASS export export APP_DOMAIN=DEFAULT export HUB_APIKEY=SKIP export SEC_UPDATES=FORCE EOF chmod +x /usr/lib/inithooks/firstboot.d/30turnkey-init-firstlogin
Initialization fence: the above headless preseeding hook also activates the "initialization fence" mechanism which uses iptables to redirect attempts to access the local web server to a static web page. This page explains you need to log in as root first in order to finish initializing the system. The purpose of the fence is used to prevent users from accessing uninitialized web applications, which in some cases can pose a security risk.
After the user logs in as root and completes the initialization process the "initialization fence" is turned off. Users can then access applications running on the local web server.
Scripts that are in the everyboot.d sub-directory run on every boot. We try to minimize the number of scripts that live here because they're basically a poor man's init script and real init scripts are often a better idea.
On headless deployments the user needs to login as root to complete the appliance initialization process, but how do you login as root?
Not a problem if you're using OpenNode or ProxMox - those systems prompt you to choose a root password before deploying a TurnKey image.
On OpenStack you can log in as root with your configured SSH keypair or retrieve the random root password from the "system log".
Other virtualization / private cloud solutions should be able to use their existing deployment scripts to set the root password, just like they already do with Debian and Ubuntu.
Another more advanced option is to "preseed" the /etc/inithooks.conf file in the apliance's filesystem before booting it for the first time. This lets you leverage inithooks to pre-configure not just the root password but also the database and application passwords, admin email, domain name, etc.
However note that using preseeding deactivates the "initilization fence". If you're using preseeding TurnKey assumes you've already interacted with the user some other way (e.g., web control panel) to get the preseeded configuration values.
By default, when an appliance is run for the first time, the firstboot scripts will prompt the user interactively, through the virtual console, to choose various passwords and basic application configuration settings.
It is possible to bypass this interactive configuration process by creating /etc/inithooks.conf in the appliance filesystem and writing inithooks configuration variables into it before the first system boot. For example:
cat>/etc/inithooks.conf<<EOF HUB_APIKEY=SKIP ROOT_PASS=supersecretrootpass DB_PASS=supersecretmysqlpass APP_PASS=webappadminpassword EOF
Don't worry about leaving sensitive passwords in there: after the first boot, inithooks blanks /etc/inithooks.conf out so important passwords aren't accidentally left in the clear.
This preseeding mechanism makes it relatively easy to integrate TurnKey with custom control panels, virtualization solutions, etc.
How exactly you create /etc/inithooks.conf is up to you and the capabilities of the virtualization platform you are using. For example, many virtualization platforms provide a facility through which you can run scripts or add files to the filesystem before the first boot.
Below is a list of interactive firstboot hooks. All interactive hooks have preseeding options to support cloud deployment, hosting and ISV integration.
Note that almost all appliances have their own application specific secret-regeneration hooks.
Common to all appliances:
30rootpass ROOT_PASS 50auto-apt-archive AUTO_APT_ARCHIVE [ SKIP ] 80tklbam HUB_APIKEY [ SKIP ] 92etckeeper ETCKEEPER_COMMIT [ SKIP ] 95secupdates SEC_UPDATES [ SKIP | FORCE ]
Specific to headless builds
29preseed INITFENCE [ SKIP ]
Appliance specific:
35mysqlpass DB_PASS 35pgsqlpass DB_PASS 40mldonkey APP_PASS 40fileserver APP_PASS 40moodle APP_PASS 40mediawiki APP_PASS 40trac APP_PASS 40otrs APP_PASS 40tomcat APP_PASS 40wordpress APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40bugzilla APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40joomla APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40mantis APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40gallery APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40deki APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40django APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40dokuwiki APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40moinmoin APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40roundup APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40redmine APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40phpbb APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40twiki APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40vtiger APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40prestashop APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL 40magento APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL, APP_DOMAIN 40statusnet APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL, APP_DOMAIN 40ejabberd APP_PASS, APP_DOMAIN 40domain-controller APP_PASS, APP_DOMAIN
If not preseeded, the user will be asked interactively. The SKIP and FORCE options should be self explanatory. Note that secupdates is automatically skipped when in live demo mode.
So you're creating a new appliance and want to add initialization hooks. Awesome! Here are some examples to get you going.
The following example is used in the Joomla15 appliance. It regenerates the secret, and sets a random mysql password for the joomla user.
/usr/lib/inithooks/firstboot.d/20regen-joomla-secrets #!/bin/bash -e # regenerate joomla secret key and mysql password . /etc/default/inithooks updateconf() { CONF=/var/www/joomla/configuration.php sed -i "s/var $1 = \(.*\)/var $1 = '$2';/" $CONF } updateconf '\$secret' $(mcookie)$(mcookie) PASSWORD=$(mcookie) updateconf '\$password' $PASSWORD $INITHOOKS_PATH/bin/ --user=joomla --pass="$PASSWORD"
The following example is used to set the root password in all appliances. If ROOTPASS is not set, the user will be asked to enter a password interactively.
/usr/lib/inithooks/firstboot.d/30rootpass #!/bin/bash -e # set root password . /etc/default/inithooks [ -e $INITHOOKS_CONF ] && . $INITHOOKS_CONF $INITHOOKS_PATH/bin/ root --pass="$ROOTPASS"
/usr/lib/inithooks/bin/ #!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2010 Alon Swartz <> """Set account password Arguments: username username of account to set password for Options: -p --pass= if not provided, will ask interactively """ import sys import getopt import subprocess from subprocess import PIPE from dialog_wrapper import Dialog def fatal(s): print >> sys.stderr, "Error:", s sys.exit(1) def usage(e=None): if e: print >> sys.stderr, "Error:", e print >> sys.stderr, "Syntax: %s <username> [options]" % sys.argv[0] print >> sys.stderr, __doc__ sys.exit(1) def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hp:", ['help', 'pass=']) except getopt.GetoptError, e: usage(e) if len(args) != 1: usage() username = args[0] password = "" for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt in ('-p', '--pass'): password = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "%s Password" % username.capitalize(), "Please enter new password for the %s account." % username) command = ["chpasswd"] input = ":".join([username, password]) p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, shell=False) p.stdin.write(input) p.stdin.close() err = p.wait() if err: fatal(err) if __name__ == "__main__": main()