My portfolio showcases my skill and talents of web development and implementing them within this website. I have used my core skills learned in UCB Coding Bootcamp of flexbox, grid, media queries, CSS variables, Javascript and REACTJS. I have also taken initiative to include some outside sources (W3 Schools) functionality such as, a downloadable button for my resume and background implementaion for a more stytlistic feel for the website.
Features added included Bootstrap styling and a onmouseover javascript function that makes the background interactive.
- A button that downloads my resume
- A presentation with the developers name, recent photo and navigation links to section about them, their projects, and how to contact them.
- Clickable links in the navigation that effects the UI scrolling down to the corresponding section.
- Featured project is bigger than others
- Titles of recent projects links to projects github repo.
- Image of recent projects links to deployed website.
- When site is viewed on various screen or resized, the site is presented with a responsive layout that adapts to users viewport.
- React responsive navbar that doesnt require the page to refresh when navigating to different pages
- Renders components instead of linking to a different route
Below is a gif showcasing some of the elements and functions of my website.
- Jose Pascual
This project is licensed under the MIT License
If there are anything I missed or could have done more efficiently please feel free to message me directly through Github
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