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Copyright (c) 2018,2019 Peter Menzel

KIQ is a program for counting the occurrences of a pre-defined static set of k-mers in a large collection of sequencing experiments, for example RNA-Seq.

Occurrence counts for each k-mer per experiment are stored in a database file, which can then be queried for retrieving those experiments that contain a particular k-mer.

KIQ uses 32-mers comprised of the characters A, C, G, and T, which are represented as a 64bit unsigned integer.


Compilation from source

git clone
cd kiq/src

After compilation, the executable kiq is located in the kiq/bin/ folder.

Support for SRA files

KIQ can be built with support for directly reading SRA files by using the libraries ncbi-vdb and ngs from NCBI.

To this end, download, compile, and install both of these libraries first:

git clone
cd ngs
sudo make install


git clone
cd ncbi-vdb
sudo make install

Afterwards, compile KIQ with

make sra

If the installation of ncbi-vdb and ngs cannot be done with superuser privileges, then you can specify an existing custom folder as installation target for ncbi-vdb and ngs when running their ./configure scripts, for example:

./configure --prefix /home/username/software

In this case, compile KIQ with:

make sra NCBI_DIR=/home/username/software


Create k-mer index

First, KIQ needs to make an index from a fixed set of k-mers, which are read line by line from the text file specified with the option -l to the command kiq index. Additionally, the mandatory options -i and -k are required for specifying the file names for the k-mer index and the (initially empty) k-mer count database, which are later used for counting and querying.

kiq index -i kmer_index.bin -k kiq_database.bin -l kmers.txt

Count indexed k-mers in sequence data

Second, the indexed k-mers are counted from sequencing data, either from FASTA/Q or SRA files.

For FASTA/Q files:

kiq db -i kmer_index.bin -k kiq_database.bin -l input.tsv -z 5

The file input.tsv is a tab-separated file, in which the first column denotes the experiment or sample name/ID and the second column contains the path to a FASTQ/A file containing the sequence data. Optionally, a third column can contain a description of the sample, which will also be stored in the database.

For SRA files:

kiq sra -i kmer_index.bin -k kiq_database.bin -l input.tsv -z 5

Here, the second column in the file input.tsv contains the path to a SRA file associated with the sample. Since KIQ uses the NCBI SRA API, the second column can also contain just the SRA identifier (starting with SRR). In this case, the program first checks if the SRA file is already in the local cache and then reads it from there, or otherwise it will be downloaded on the fly and stored in the local cache. The cache directory can be set using the vdb-config tool from the sra-tools package.

The option -z specifies the number threads that are used for k-mer counting.

Additional datasets can be added to an existing database by using the option -a.

Query database by a k-mer

After counting the k-mers, the database can be queried with kiq query, either by providing a list of query k-mers in a text file using option -q or by providing query k-mer(s) using option -Q.

For example:

kiq query -i kmer_index.bin -k kiq_database.bin -q query.txt

kiq query -i kmer_index.bin -k kiq_database.bin -Q ACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGTACGT


Export k-mer database

The k-mer database and metadata can be exported using kiq dump:

kiq dump -i kmer_index.bin -k kiq_database.bin -p stats

kiq dump -i kmer_index.bin -k kiq_database.bin -p metadata

kiq dump -i kmer_index.bin -k kiq_database.bin -p long

kiq dump -i kmer_index.bin -k kiq_database.bin -p stats

Modify database

KIQ's k-mer database can be modified using kiq modify, which reads a tab-separated file containing instructions for modifying the database. The first column contains the experiment ID, the second column contains a command and the third column contains an optional argument. Two different commands are available: delete for deleting an experiment (and its associated k-mer counts) from the database, and update_desc for updating the description for a given experiment ID.

For example:

SRRZZZ	delete
SRRXXX	update_desc	Total RNA-Seq from Drosophila heads.

Run kiq modify:

kiq modify -i kmer_index.bin -k kiq_database.bin -c modifications.tsv


KIQ uses the BBHash library for indexing of the k-mers and zstr library for reading compressed FASTA/Q files.


See the file LICENSE.