mri2mrs repository is developed by Tashrif Billah and Isaiah Norton.
- Combination of MRI and MRS
- Project flowchart
- Citation
- Installation
- Usage
- Tests
- Example execution
- Parsing output
Table of Contents created by gh-md-toc
(Implemented rightmost column)
If you use our software in your research, please cite as below:
Billah, Tashrif; Norton, Isaiah; Pasternak, Ofer; Combining diffusion MRI and MRS,, 2018, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2576656
You need a Linux workstation to install and run the mri2mrs
command line module.
command line module depends on external commands like
, DWIConvert
, ants
etc. To build those commands on your machine,
follow installation instruction 1,2,3, and 5 (upto and including ./pnlpipe std setup
Next, we need to make the external commands available to system path:
cd path/to/software/dir
cd BRAINSTools-bin-*
chmod +x
Install MATLAB (it requires a license). An instruction for installing MATLAB on linux is available here.
Now that all the dependencies are solved, you can clone the mri2mrs
repository and
start using it.
git clone
cd mri2mrs
If the above steps are successful, help message will be correctly displayed:
./ --help
Calculates brain and white matter volumes given an MRS (Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy)
label map and a T1 image registered in the space MRS.
Dependencies on bet, fslmaths, fast, fslswapdim, fslstats, ConvertBetweenFileFormats, matlab, Slice.
Uses Ofer's MATLAB code (SIEMENS machine) for creating MRS region mask.
-h, --help Prints this help message and quits
--help-all Prints help messages of all sub-commands and quits
-v, --version Prints the program's version and quits
-b, --betThreshold VALUE:str threshold for bet mask creation; the default is 0.3
-c, --caseID VALUE:str case ID; required
-i, --input VALUE:ExistingFile a T1 image registered in the space of magnetic
resonance spectroscopy (nrrd or nifti); required
-m, --mask turn on this flag to mask the T1 image before running
the pipeline. When turned on, a mask is created and the
T1 image is multiplied by the mask before running
further steps
-o, --out VALUE:str output directory where files created during the
pipeline are saved (if already exist, it will be
deleted and recreated); required
--rdaFile VALUE:ExistingFile an rda file from the scanner defining coordinates of
the ROI (acg, agm, ltemp, pcg, pwm etc.); required
--roi VALUE:str region of interest (ROI) name (acg, agm, ltemp, pcg,
pwm etc.); required
See the following instruction to run tests upon successful installation of mri2mrs and dependencies:
Test data is managed by git-lfs
. One time installation of git-lfs
per machine is required.
Install git-lfs
as follows:
Download git-lfs command line extension
tar -xzvf git-lfs-linux-*
git lfs install
Now download the test data:
git lfs pull --exclude=
Finally, you should be able to run test as follows:
cd test_data
../ -i Test_SAG_MPRAGE_1mm_isoa.nii --rdaFile MRS_tha_press.rda -c Test --roi tha -o ./mri2mrs.test -m
You should see the following output:
ROI volume:4200.0
CSF volume:0.0
WM volume:4172.0
GM volume:28.0
./ \
-i /rfanfs/pnl-zorro/projects/VA_AcuteTBI/MRIData/RegisteredT1/BIO_0002-registeredT1.nrrd \
--roi pcg -c BIO_0002 -m \
--rdaFile /rfanfs/pnl-zorro/projects/VA_AcuteTBI/MRIData/MRS_VA_AcuteTBI/BIO_0002/BIO_0002_pcg_press.rda \
-o ./mri2mrsOutput
In python3:
with open('logFileName') as f:
volume= [line.split(':')[1] for line in'\n') if "attr" in line]
You can also do float(volume)
if necessary.
The attr you want to grab are ROI, GM, WM, CSF while the logFileName is your log text file.
In shell:
volume=`grep "attr" logFileName | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'`