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Hello! πŸ‘‹

I'm a passionate software and website developer with a keen interest in server architecture and administration. Driven by a fascination for both machine-to-machine interaction and enhancing human communication, I enjoy crafting solutions that streamline processes and improve communication.


🧠 My Skills (Expand Skills)
Core Languages Bash programming language C programming language C++ programming language CSS styling language HTML structure language Java programming language JavaScript programming language Markdown formatting language PHP programming language Python programming language Regular expressions Ruby programming language
Web Technologies HTMX web framework Sass preprocessor Node.js runtime environment Express.js web framework Babel JavaScript compiler D3.js data visualization library jQuery JavaScript library npm package manager React JavaScript library Redux state management library Ruby on Rails web framework Selenium web automation tool Machine learning with Tensorflow WordPress content management system
Data Management MySQL database MongoDB database PostgreSQL database SQLite database
Toolchain Git version control GitHub code hosting platform Neovim text editor Visual Studio Code text editor Visual Studio IDE Vim text editor
Platform and Systems Arduino microcontroller Debian operating system Kali Linux operating system Linux operating system Raspberry Pi single-board computer Ubuntu operating system Windows operating system
πŸ“Š My Profile Stats (Expand Stats)
πŸ’Ύ My Code (Expand Code)
My Projects
freeCodeCamp Certification Projects
πŸ“š fCC Projects (Expand Projects)
Responsive Web Design
  1. Survey Form
  2. Tribute Page
  3. Technical Documentation Page
  4. Product Landing Page
  5. Personal Portfolio Page
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
  1. Palindrome Checker
  2. Roman Numeral Converter
  3. Telephone Number Validator
  4. Cash Register
  5. Pokemon Search App
Front End Development Libraries
  1. Random Quote Machine
  2. Markdown Previewer
  3. Drum Machine
  4. JavaScript Calculator
  5. 25 + 5 Clock
Data Visualization
  1. Visualize Data with a Bar Chart
  2. Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph
  3. Visualize Data with a Heatmap
  4. Visualize Data with a Chloropleth Map
  5. Visualize Data with a Treemap Diagram (v1)
  6. Visualize Data with a Treemap Diagram (v2)
  7. Visualize Data with a Treemap Diagram (v3)
Relational Database
  1. Celestial Bodies Database
  2. World Cup Database
  3. Salon Appointment Scheduler
  4. Periodic Table Database
  5. Number Guessing Game
Back End Development and APIs
  1. Timestamp Microservice
  2. Request Header Parser Microservice
  3. URL Shortner Microservice
  4. Exercise Tracker
  5. File Metadata Microservice
Quality Assurance
  1. Metric-Imperial Converter
  2. Issue Tracker
  3. Personal Library
  4. Sudoku Solver
  5. American British Translator
Scientific Computing with Python
  1. Arithmetic Formatter
  2. Time Calculator
  3. Budget App
  4. Polygon Area Calculator
  5. Probability Calculator
Data Analysis with Python
  1. Mean-Variance-Standard Deviation Calculator
  2. Demographic Data Analyzer
  3. Medical Data Visualizer
  4. Page View Time Series Visualizer
  5. Sea Level Predictor
Information Security
  1. Stock Price Checker
  2. Anonymous Message Board
  3. Port Scanner
  4. SHA-1 Password Cracker
  5. Secure Realtime Multiplayer Game
Machine Learning with Python
  1. Rock Paper Scissors
  2. Cat and Dog Image Classifier
  3. Book Recommendation Engine using KNN
  4. Linear Regression Health Costs Calculator
  5. Neural Network SMS Text Classifier
College Algebra with Python
  1. Build a Multi-Function Calculator
  2. Build a Graphing Calculator
  3. Build Three Math Games
  4. Build a Financial Calculator
  5. Data Graph Explorer

Pinned Loading

  1. Public

    Website for

    JavaScript 1

  2. crmbl crmbl Public

    crmbl CMS - A simple, yet flexible content management system still in early development stages

    Shell 2