A Java 8 library for building, validating, mutating and mapping beans.
In Maven:
An Accessor
is a Getter
paired with a Setter
, like so:
public static final Accessor<Person, String> NAME = Accessor.of(Person::getName, Person::setName);
public static final Accessor<Person, Address> ADDRESS = Accessor.of(Person::getAddress, Person::setAddress);
You can use them to build new objects:
Person person = Person.BUILDER.with(
Person.NAME.of("Arthur Putey"),
Address.FIRST_LINE.of("22 Acacia Avenue"),
Address.POSTCODE.of("VB6 5UX"))))
to query and modify existing objects:
assertThat(Person.NAME.get(person), equalTo("Arthur Putey"));
Person.NAME.set(person, "Angus Yentob");
assertThat(person.getName(), equalTo("Angus Yentob"));
Person.ADDRESS.join(Address.POSTCODE).set(person, "RA8 81T");
assertThat(person.getAddress().getPostCode(), equalTo("RA8 81T"));
to validate objects:
Validator<Person> validator = Validator
.validating("name", Person.NAME, equalTo("Agnes Phobos"))
.and("age", Person.AGE, greaterThanOrEqualTo(0));
Valid<Person> validPerson = Valid.validate(new Person("Angus Eros", -2), validator);
assertThat(validPerson.validationErrors(), hasItems("name: Angus Eros != Agnes Phobos", "age: -2 < 0"));
and to map from type to type:
Person person1 = new Person();
Knight bean2 = Mapper.from(Person::getAge).to(Knight::setAge)
.andFrom("I seek the grail").to(Knight::setQuest)
assertThat(bean2.getName(), equalTo("ANTIGONE"));
assertThat(bean2.getAge(), equalTo(30));
assertThat(bean2.getQuest(), equalTo("I seek the grail"));
If you've seen any of my other libraries for doing similar things, notably Karg and Octarine, you'll have seen most of this before. Radioactive is a variant specifically for working with old-style "bean" objects with getters and setters, because sometimes you have to and why make it more painful than it needs to be?