Last commit | JMeter | Amqp | Commits | Star | Watch | Issues | Pull Requests | Branches |
2016-05-17 | 2.11 | 3.5.1 | 74 | 99 | 15 | 21 | 9 | 2 |
Change | URL | From |
docker support | 53 | wilsonmar |
Add support for custom channel features | 48 | voytek-solutions |
Adding x-max-priority queue attribute and correcting issue 41 | 42 | gregLibert |
Maven, x-dead-letters-exchange, JSON Object | 32 | sergiogouveia |
Add RPC-Client sampler | 31 | devTransition |
Add an option to share connection and channel between Samplers | 30 | rbnxx |
Add x-message-ttl | 29 | conkeyn |
Add a Maven POM, preconfigured for deploying to | 16 | peterjanes |
- Does not work for dynamic work queues
- Does not work with Auto-delete exchanges
- Missing 'app_id' and 'timestamp' properties
- AMQP Consumer stays active for duration of Test Plan (multiple AMQP Consumer in same Thread Group)
- AMQP Consumer exception (no header in reply-to message.)
- 30,000 messages published instead of 1 when using Stepping Thread Group or Concurrency Thread Group
- cannot show on Jmeter 5.0
From | Last commit | Fork from / Commits | JMeter / Amqp | Change |
jlavallee | 2016-05-17 | 2.11 / 3.5.1 | ||
zeph1rus | 2018-10-24 | 74 / 85 | 5.0 / 4.8.3 | Added options to manage heartbeat |
aliesbelik | 2018-09-26 | 70 / 80 | 4.0 / 5.4.1 | Maven, amqp v5.4.1, detault content type: text/plain utf-8, Add support for AMQP queue (x-max-priority) & message priority |
sergiogouveia | 2017-10-26 | 70 / 79 | 2.13 / 3.6.0 | Maven, x-dead-letter-exchange, Response as JSON, added gziped consumed messages decode |
wilsonmar | 2018-01-23 | 74 / 172 | 2.11 / 3.5.1 | docker support |
wc-martin | 2017-02-06 | 70 / 73 | 2.11 / 3.5.1 | Acknowledgement Mode: Confirmation |
voytek-solutions | 2017-08-21 | 74 / 76 | 2.11 / 3.5.1 | Add support for custom channel features: You can explicitly set x-expires, x-message-ttl and other arguments. |
thburnett | 2018-06-15 | 74 / 76 | 2.11 / 3.5.1 | Avoid adding replyto and correlation id headers when empty |
geniussportsgroup | 2015-08-12 | 54 / 60 | 2.13 / 3.3.4 | Maven, added headers to amqp publisher as JSON string |
miaosp | 2017-04-21 | 74 / 77 | 2.11 / 3.5.1 | Maven, add tls support: TLSv1.1 with keystore file |
gregLibert | 2017-05-03 | 74 / 77 | 2.11 / 3.5.1 | Correcting no header in reply-to message, Adding x-max-priority field to queue parameters, Adding message priority and delivery mode to amqp publisher |
looseend | 2017-03-06 | 74 / 77 | 2.11 / 3.5.1 | Added support for x-max-priority |