Just to get started
Docs with tasks 1 and 2: CRC and text, UML and Sequence Diagram.
Source code can be found here.
The project now uses Maven for effortlessly providing JavaFX.
There now exist save game features which will either read an initialBoard.csv, or create and import a user-specified save file.
Docs for tasks 1, 2 and 3: Updated CRC, UML and Sequence Diagram plus new descriptions.
Source code can be found here.
Docs with tasks 1: text, UML and Sequence Diagram, 2: test docs and coverage report, and 3: UML and descriptions.
Source code can be found here.
Test suite can be found here.
Docs with text, CRC cards, UML and sequence diagrams, test docs and descriptions.
Source code can be found here.
Test suite can be found here.