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Mina Validator Node Ansible Setup

Three playbooks to set up a node.

1. Prepare a machine before keypair generation

ansible-playbook -i inventory mina_prekey_setup.yml -e "target=mina1a"

2. Generate keypair

You have two options here. First, you can set up a new keypair according to, and you will need to copy the public key and password to the inventory file to prepare for the next step. The other option is to copy an existing key pair to the server. You will put the my-wallet and in the roles->key->files folder, and then run the playbook

ansible-playbook -i inventory mina_key_setup.yml -e "target=mina1a"

3. Launch Mina

ansible-playbook -i inventory mina_postkey_setup.yml -e "target=mina1a"

4. Install Mina Monitor Server (Optional)

ansible-playbook -i inventory mina_monitor_server_setup.yml -e "target=mina1a"


5. Install Mina Monitor Client (Optional)

ansible-playbook -i inventory mina_monitor_client_setup.yml -e "target=mina1a"



I cannot make the mina client to automatically start with the script. Therefore, you should get into the server and run the following:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user stop mina
systemctl --user start mina
systemctl --user enable mina
sudo loginctl enable-linger

To check the health of mina service:

systemctl --user status mina

To check the status of mina client:

mina client status

To check the health of mina block producer sidecar:

sudo journalctl -f -u mina-bp-stats-sidecar.service

Nominate Polkachu's Mina Validator
