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Simple NoSQL wrapper around Postgres' JSONB type.


PogoDB is installable via pip, following a two-step process:

  1. pip install pogodb
  2. pip install psycopg2 OR pip install psycopg2-binary

Since the psycopg2/psycopg2-binary split, instead of forcing a dependency on either one, the choice is left to you. PogoDB should work with either. Tip: If pip install psycopg2 fails, try pip install psycopg2-binary.


To connect from a Python Shell, use pogodb.shellConnect(.).

>>> import pogodb
>>> db = pogodb.shellConnect("postgres://..dsn..")
Connection opened. Call `.close()` to close.
>>> db.insertOne({"_id": "foo", "value": "foobar"})
>>> db.findOne("foo")
{'_id': 'foo', 'value': 'foobar'}
>>> db.close()
Connection committed & closed. Call `.reopen()` to resume.

Note: pogodb.shellConnect(.) is meant only for quick and dirty shell connections. You need to explicitly call db.close() to commit the transaction and close the connection.

Connecting Properly

Context Manager:

Using with pogodb.connect(.) as db is a better way to connect. On exiting the with block, the transaction is auto-committed and the connection is auto-closed.

import pogodb
with pogodb.connect("postgres://..dsn..") as db:
    db.insertOne({"_id": "bar", "value": "foobar"})
    # etc. ...

Connection Decorator:

For frequently connecting to the same database, consider setting up a connection decorator as follows:

import pogodb
dbConnect = pogodb.makeConnector("postgres://..dsn..")

def yourLogic (db):
    db.insertOne({"_id": "baz", "value": "quax"})
    # etc. ...

The decorator supplies the db parameter to the decorated function. The parameter is supplied by name, so it must be called db, not myDb or something else. That is, @dbConnect automatically passes db to yourLogic, on each call.

Parameter skipSetup:

Both pogodb.connect(.) and pogodb.makeConnector(.) accept skipSetup as a parameter, which defaults to False. By default, PogoDB runs some setup-code upon each connection.

After your first interaction with the the database through PogoDB, to avoid unnecessary setup, pass skipSetup=True.

Parameter verbose:

Each connection method accepts verbose as a parameter, defaulting to False. If True, details regarding connecting to Postgres and executing SQL are printed using print(.).

Inserting Data

# Insert a single document:
   "_id":"a", "author":"Alice", "text":"AA", "rank":0,
# Insert multiple documents:
  {"_id":"b", "author":"Becci", "text":"BB", "rank":1},
  {"_id":"c", "author":"Cathy", "text":"CC", "rank":2},
  {"_id":"d", "author":"Alice", "text":"DD", "rank":1},

Document Model:

Each document must:

  • be a JSON-serializable dict or dict-like object, and
  • have a unique string value corresponding to the "_id" key.

Retrieving Data

In continuation with the above code snippet ...

# Find by _id:
taskA = db.findOne("a");
print(, "-", taskA.text)
# Output: Alice - AA

# Find by sub-document:
taskB = db.findOne({"author": "Becci"});
print(, "-", taskB.text)
# Output: Becci - BB

# Find multiple:
aliceTasks = db.find({"author": "Alice"})
assert aliceTasks[0] == taskA and len(aliceTasks) == 2
taskD = aliceTasks[1];
print(, "-", taskD.text)
# Output: Alice - DD

Note: If no matching document is found, .findOne(.) returns None while .find(.) returns an empty list.

Updating Data

In continuation with the above code snippet ...

# Replace document:
taskA.text = "New AA"           # <-- Update in-memory
taskA.x = {"y": 10, "z": 20}
db.replaceOne(taskA);           # <-- Propagate to db
print([db.findOne(taskA._id).text, taskA.x])
# Output: ['New AA', {'y': 10, 'z': 20}]

# Increment within document:
db.incr({"_id": "a"}, "x.y", 1) # Incr x.y by 1
# Output: {'y': 11, 'z': 20}

# Decrement:
db.decr({"_id": "a"}, "x.z", 1) # Decr x.z by 1
# Output: {'y': 11, 'z': 19}

Deleting Data

In continuation with the above code snippet ...

# Delete by _id:
# Output: None

As of writing, you can only delete one document at a time, by _id.

Quick Plug

PogoDB built and maintained by the folks at Polydojo, Inc., led by Sumukh Barve. If your team is looking for a simple project management tool, please check out our latest product:

Type Identifiers

PogoDB doesn't include buckets, collections or other such concepts for logically grouping different types of objects. But you can use a key for differentiating objects of various types.


Keeping things simple, we recommend using the "type" key for indicating the type of a document/object.


In a blogging app, you'll have to deal with users, posts, comments and other types of object.

# Insert users:
    {"_id": "00", "type":"user", "name": "Alice"},
    {"_id": "01", "type":"user", "name": "Becci"},
    {"_id": "02", "type":"user", "name": "Cathy"},

# Insert posts:
    {"_id": "03", "type":"post", "authorId": "00",
        "title": "Title X .. ", "body": "Body X .."},
    {"_id": "04", "type":"post", "authorId": "01",
        "title": "Title Y .. ", "body": "Body Y .."},
    {"_id": "05", "type":"post", "authorId": "02",
        "title": "Title Z .. ", "body": "Body Z .."},
    {"_id": "06", "type":"post", "authorId": "00",
        "title": "Title A .. ", "body": "Body A .."},

# Insert comments:
    {"_id": "07", "type":"comment", "authorId": "02",
        "postId": "03", "text": "Comment P .."},
    {"_id": "08", "type":"comment", "authorId": "01",
        "postId": "04", "text": "Comment Q .."},
    {"_id": "09", "type":"comment", "authorId": "00",
        "postId": "05", "text": "Comment R .."},

# Get all users:
db.find({"type": "user"});

# Get all posts:
db.find({"type": "post"});

# Get posts by a specific author:
def getPostByAuthor (userId):
    return db.find({"type":"post", "authorId":userId})

# Get comments on a specific post:
def getCommentsByPost (postId):
    return db.find({"type":"comment", "postId":postId})

# Get comments by a specific user:
def getCommentsByUser (userId):
    return db.find({"type":"user", "authorId":userId})

As you can see, using the "type" key allows us to limit our query to a specific type. In continuation with the above code snippet, consider ...

def typed_getPostById (postId):
    return db.findOne({"_id": postId, "type": "post"});

def untyped_getPostById (postId):
    return db.findOne({"_id": postId})

print(typed_getPostById("00"))   # Correct result.
# Output: None

print(untyped_getPostById("00")) # Weird result.
# Output: {'_id': '00', 'name': 'Alice', 'type': 'user'} 

In the above example, "00" corresponds to Alice's "user" object. It's not a "post". Yet untyped_getPostById(.) (incorrectly) returns it because it is type-blind.

SQL Familiarity

From this point, the documentation assumes basic familiarity with SQL and Postgres' JSONB type. If you aren't familiar with these, you may safely skip most of the documentation below. However, please note that such familiarity would be required for running advanced, fine-grained queries.

Under The Hood

Under the hood, PogoDB creates a single table named pogotbl with a single JSONB column named doc (for document).

When you call db.find(.), PogoDB uses Postgres' @> to find and fetch the relevant documents. For example, calling db.find({"type": "post"}) will result in the following underlying SQL query:

SELECT doc FROM pogotbl WHERE doc @> '{"type": "post"}';

The above SQL will produce a list of records of typepsycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor, each with just one column: "doc". That is, the list of records is of the form:

[   {"doc": {"_id": "1..", "type": "post", "etc": "..."}},
    {"doc": {"_id": "2..", "type": "post", "etc": "..."}},
    "etc. ..."

After executing the SQL, db.find(.) plucks the "doc" column from each record and returns the resultant list, which is (as expected,) of the form:

[   {"_id": "1..", "type": "post", "etc": "..."},
    {"_id": "2..", "type": "post", "etc": "..."},
    "etc. ..."

Additionally, db.find(.) ensures that each returned document is a dot-accessible dictionary, thanks to Dotsi. That is, you can use dot-notation (like post._id) in addition to square-bracket notation (like post["_id"]).

Custom WHERE Clause

Let's say you've stored the following exam-results using PogoDB:

[   {"_id":"1", "studentId":"X", "subjectId":"M", "score": 70},
    {"_id":"2", "studentId":"Y", "subjectId":"M", "score": 75},
    {"_id":"3", "studentId":"Z", "subjectId":"M", "score": 80},
    {"_id":"4", "studentId":"X", "subjectId":"N", "score": 85},
    {"_id":"5", "studentId":"Y", "subjectId":"N", "score": 90},
    {"_id":"6", "studentId":"Z", "subjectId":"N", "score": 95},

To find all results for Subject M, we'd write db.find({"subjectId": "M"}), which'd result in the underlying SQL query:

SELECT doc FROM pogotbl WHERE doc @> '{"subjectId": "M"}';

But how about retrieving only those results for Subject M, where the score is 75 or higher? In raw SQL, we could've written:

SELECT doc FROM pogotbl
  WHERE doc @> '{"subjectId": "M"}'
    AND (doc->>'score')::int >= 75;

With regard to the two SQL queries above, note that the WHERE clause additionally includes AND (doc->>'score')::int >= 75. You can pass this extra bit to db.find(.) using the whereEtc parameter:

db.find({"subjectId": "M"},
    whereEtc="AND (doc->>'score')::int >= 75"

In fact, db.find(.) is very flexible. Its full signature is documented below.

Full db.find(.) Signature

db.find(.) accepts 4 parameters:

  1. subdoc (required): The sub-document to match against.
  2. whereEtc (optional): Anything that should go after PogoDB's default SQL WHERE clause.
  3. argsEtc (optional): Tuple (or list) for placeholder-substitution against whereEtc.
  4. limit (optional): The maximum number of results desired. (Either use this param or add the SQL LIMIT clause in whereEtc; don't do both.)

Note: db.findOne(.) has the same signature as db.find(.), except of course, that it doesn't have a limit parameter (and neither does it expect to see the LIMIT clause in whereEtc).

Clauses ORDER BY, LIMIT etc.

Everything in whereEtc is placed directly in the executed SQL. (Of course, placeholder-substitution is performed carefully. More on this later.) Thus, by using whereEtc, not only can you specify additional matching conditions (like AND (doc->>'score')::int >= 75), but you can also include other SQL clauses such as ORDER BY, LIMIT etc.


Continuing the above exam-results example, to find results for Subject M sorted by Student IDs (lowest to highest):

db.find({"subjectId": "M"},
    whereEtc="ORDER BY doc->>'studentId' ASC"

The underlying SQL executed by PogoDB will be:

SELECT doc FROM pogotbl WHERE doc @> '{"subjectId": "M"}'
    ORDER BY doc->>'studentId' ASC;


To find the top 2 results for Subject M, we can use:

db.find({"subjectId": "M"},
    whereEtc="ORDER BY (doc->>'score')::int DESC",

Or equivalently:

db.find({"subjectId": "M"},
    whereEtc="ORDER BY (doc->>'score')::int DESC LIMIT 2"

In either case, the underlying SQL executed by PogoDB will be:

SELECT doc FROM pogotbl WHERE doc @> '{"subjectId": "M"}'
    ORDER BY (doc->>'score')::int DESC
    LIMIT 2;


Let's write a function for finding the top N (n) results for a given subject (subjectId), at or above a given threshold (minScore).

import pogodb;
dbConnect = pogodb.makeConnector("postgres://..dsn..");

def getTopN (n, subjectId, minScore, db):
  return db.find({"subjectId": subjectId},
    whereEtc="AND (doc->>'score')::int >= %s ORDER BY (doc->>'score')::int DESC",


def getTopN (n, subjectId, minScore, db):
  return db.find({"subjectId": subjectId},
    whereEtc="AND (doc->>'score')::int >= %s ORDER BY (doc->>'score')::int DESC LIMIT %s",
    argsEtc=[minScore, n],

Note: Placeholder substitution is deferred to Psycopg's cursor.execute(.) method, which should prevent SQL-injection.

WARNING: Do NOT use string concatenation (i.e. +, str.join(.), etc.) or string interpolation (i.e. %, str.format(.), etc.) along with whereEtc. Pass argsEtc instead.

Executing Raw SQL

If you'd like to execute raw SQL, we recommend using Psycopg directly. We recommend against using db._execute(.).

Typically, db._execute(.) should only be relevant to PogoDB's maintainers. It accepts three parameters:

  1. stmt (required): The SQL statement to be executed.
  2. args (optional): Tuple (or list) for %s placeholder substitution.
  3. fetch (optional): Either None (optional), "one" or "all".

Parameters stmt and args are passed directly to Psycopg's cursor.execute(.) method. Based on fetch, none, one or all records are fetched.

A close cousin to db._execute(.) is db._findSql(.), which is useful for executing SELECT queries. It only accepts stmt (required) and args (optional), as described above. It fetches all matching results, plucks the doc column, ensures dot-accessibility of dictionary objects, and returns the result.


Copyright (c) 2020 Polydojo, Inc.

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The software is released "AS IS" under the Apache License 2.0, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Kindly see LICENSE.txt for more details.

No Trademark Rights:
The above software licensing terms do not grant any right in the trademarks, service marks, brand names or logos of Polydojo, Inc.