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React + Polygonjs

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React Component for Polygonjs

This is a react component to easily import WebGL scenes created with the node-based editor Polygonjs.

Polygonjs allows you to create complex and procedural scenes with a visual editor, and you can import them with react, and benefit from its reactive states. You can then update the 3D scene from anything in your react setup.

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yarn add @polygonjs/react


npm install @polygonjs/react

How to use

The only 2 required properties to give to the component are:

  • loadFunction, which is the function that loads your 3D scene. That function is autogenerated by polygonjs visual editor.
  • sceneName, which is a string to set the scene name (which is used to find the loading image, if used)

Once you've saved a scene, you will have a .js file created with a path like ./src/polygonjs/scenes/<sceneName>/autogenerated/loadScene.js inside your project, which exports a function called loadScene_<sceneName>.

So assuming you have already created a scene called scene_01 in your project, the file will be ./src/polygonjs/scenes/scene_01/autogenerated/loadScene.js and the exported function will be called loadScene_scene_01.

With that in mind, a minimal render function to load a scene will look like this:

import {loadScene_scene_01} from 'src/polygonjs/scenes/scene_01/autogenerated/loadScene';

export const MyComponent = () => {
	return <PolygonjsScene

This will load your scene asynchronously. This means that the rest of the page will load first, and then the 3D scene will be loaded.

Other Properties

name type description
displayLoadingProgressBar boolean While the scene is being loaded, a progress bar is updated to reflect the progress. This can be turned off by passing false (default: true)
displayLoadingPoster boolean While the scene is being loaded, a loading image (or poster) is displayed as a placeholder. The default url of the poster resolves to the location where the editor saves the images screenshot from the viewer (which you can capture yourself using the button with a photo icon). This can be turned off by passing false (default: true)
posterUrl string Overrides the default poster url.
onProgress function This function is called when the loading progress is updated.
onSceneReady function This function is called when the scene is loaded. The scene is given as the first argument. You can then use Polygonjs API on the scene to update it as you need.
onViewerReady function This function is called when the viewer is loaded. The viewer is given as the first argument. You can then use Polygonjs API on the viewer to update it as you need.
render boolean Pauses the rendering when false. This can be useful to disable rendering when the component is either not visible, or when you know nothing has changed (default: true)
loadScene boolean defines if the scene is loaded or not when the component is mounted. (default: true)