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Added --package scan option for aboutcode-org#44, removed --extract o…
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…ption for aboutcode-org#52

 * --extract is now in the extractcode command for aboutcode-org#52
 * refactored the command code to sperate progress reporting from
   actual scan.
  • Loading branch information
pombredanne committed Aug 10, 2015
1 parent cf2fafd commit a67f302
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Showing 2 changed files with 279 additions and 357 deletions.
286 changes: 123 additions & 163 deletions src/scancode/
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Expand Up @@ -28,22 +28,28 @@
from functools import partial
import json
import os
from types import GeneratorType

import click
from click.termui import style

from commoncode import ignore, fileutils
from commoncode import ignore
from commoncode.fileutils import resource_iter
from commoncode import fileutils

from scancode import __version__ as version
from scancode.api import as_html
from scancode.api import as_html_app
from scancode.api import create_html_app_assets
from scancode.api import extract_archives
from scancode import utils

from scancode.format import as_html
from scancode.format import as_html_app
from scancode.format import create_html_app_assets
from scancode.format import HtmlAppAssetCopyWarning
from scancode.format import HtmlAppAssetCopyError

from scancode.api import get_copyrights
from scancode.api import get_licenses
from scancode.api import HtmlAppAssetCopyWarning
from scancode.api import HtmlAppAssetCopyError
from scancode.api import get_file_infos
from scancode.api import get_package_infos

info_text = '''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,20 +162,7 @@ def print_about(ctx, param, value):
scancode -f json -l -c samples/zlib/ > scan.json
Extract all archives found in the 'samples' directory tree:
scancode --extract samples
Note: If an archive contains other archives, all contained archives will be
extracted recursively. Extraction is done directly in the 'samples' directory,
side-by-side with each archive. Files are extracted in a directory named after
the archive with an '-extract' suffix added to its name, created side-by-side
with the corresponding archive file.
Extract a single archive. Files are extracted in the directory
scancode --extract samples/arch/zlib.tar.gz
To extract archives, see the 'extractcode' command instead.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,179 +200,146 @@ def print_version(ctx, param, value):

short_help = '''
class ScanCommand(utils.BaseCommand):
short_usage_help = '''
Try 'scancode --help' for help on options and arguments.'''

formats = ['json', 'html', 'html-app']

class ScanCommand(click.Command):
def get_usage(self, ctx):
Ensure that usage points to the --help option explicitly.
Workaround click issue
return click.Command.get_usage(self, ctx) + short_help

def main(self, args=None, prog_name=None, complete_var=None,
standalone_mode=True, **extra):
Workaround click 4.0 bug
return click.Command.main(self, args=args,,
standalone_mode=standalone_mode, **extra)

@click.command(name='scancode', epilog=epilog_text, cls=ScanCommand)

@click.argument('input', metavar='<input>', type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True))
@click.argument('output_file', default='-', metavar='<output_file>', type=click.File('wb'))

@click.option('-c', '--copyright', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Scan <input> for copyrights. [default]')
@click.option('-l', '--license', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Scan <input> for licenses. [default]')
@click.option('-i', '--info', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Collect files information from <input>.')
@click.option('-f', '--format', metavar='<style>', type=click.Choice(formats),
default='json', show_default=True,
help='Set <output_file> format <style> to one of: %s' % ' or '.join(formats),
@click.option('-e', '--extract', is_flag=True, default=False, is_eager=True,
help=('Extract any archives and compressed files found in <input> recursively, in-place, ignoring other scan options. Use this before scanning proper, as an <input> preparation step.'))
@click.option('-p', '--package', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Scan <input> for packages. [default]')
@click.option('-i', '--info', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Scan <input> for files information.')

@click.option('-f', '--format', is_flag=False, default='json', show_default=True, metavar='<style>', type=click.Choice(formats),
help='Set <output_file> format <style> to one of: %s' % ' or '.join(formats),)
@click.option('--verbose', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Print verbose file-by-file progress messages.')

@click.help_option('-h', '--help')
@click.option('--examples', is_flag=True, is_eager=True, callback=print_examples,
help=('Show command examples and exit.'))
@click.option('--about', is_flag=True, is_eager=True, callback=print_about,
help=('Show information about ScanCode and licensing and exit.'))
@click.option('--version', is_flag=True, is_eager=True, callback=print_version,
help=('Show the version and exit.'))
def scancode(ctx, input, output_file, extract, copyright, license, info, format, verbose, *args, **kwargs): # @ReservedAssignment
@click.option('--examples', is_flag=True, is_eager=True, callback=print_examples, help=('Show command examples and exit.'))
@click.option('--about', is_flag=True, is_eager=True, callback=print_about, help='Show information about ScanCode and licensing and exit.')
@click.option('--version', is_flag=True, is_eager=True, callback=print_version, help='Show the version and exit.')

def scancode(ctx, input, output_file, copyright, license, package, # @ReservedAssignment
info, format, verbose, *args, **kwargs): # @ReservedAssignment
"""scan the <input> file or directory for origin and license and save results to the <output_file>.
The scan results are printed on terminal if <output_file> is not provided.

abs_input = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(input))
scans = [copyright, license, info]
if extract:
if any(scans):
# exclusive, ignoring other options.
# FIXME: this should turned into a sub-command'''The '--extract' option cannot be combined with other scanning options.
Use the '--extract' option alone to extract archives found in <input>.
then run scancode again to scan the extracted files.''')

click.secho('Extracting archives...', fg='green')
extract_with_progress(abs_input, verbose)
click.secho('Extracting done.', fg='green')
scans = [copyright, license, package, info]

# Default scan when no options is provided
if not any(scans):
copyright = True # @ReservedAssignment
license = True # @ReservedAssignment
package = True

# note: "flag and function" expressions return the function if flag is True
scans = {
'copyrights': copyright and get_copyrights,
'licenses': license and get_licenses,
'packages': package and get_package_infos,
'infos': info and get_file_infos,

results = []

# note: we inline progress display functions to close on some args

def scan_start():
"""Progress event displayed at start of scan"""
return style('Scanning files...', fg='green')

def scan_event(item):
"""Progress event displayed each time a file is scanned"""
if item:
line = verbose and item or fileutils.file_name(item) or ''
return 'Scanning: %(line)s' % locals()

def scan_end():
"""Progress event displayed at end of scan"""
has_warnings = False
has_errors = False
summary = []
summary_color = 'green'
summary_color = has_warnings and 'yellow' or summary_color
summary_color = has_errors and 'red' or summary_color
summary.append(style('Scanning done.', fg=summary_color, reset=True))
return '\n'.join(summary)

ignored = partial(ignore.is_ignored, ignores=ignore.ignores_VCS, unignores={})
resources = resource_iter(abs_input, ignored=ignored)

with utils.progressmanager(resources,
) as progressive_resources:

for resource in progressive_resources:
res = fileutils.as_posixpath(resource)
results.append(scan_one(res, scans))

# TODO: eventually merge scans for the same resource location...
# TODO: fix absolute paths as relative to original input argument...

save_results(results, format, input, output_file)

if copyright or license or info:
click.secho('Scanning files...', fg='green')
results = []

ignored = partial(ignore.is_ignored, ignores=ignore.ignores_VCS, unignores={})
files = resource_iter(abs_input, ignored=ignored)

if not verbose:
# only display a progress bar
with click.progressbar(files, show_pos=True) as files:
for input_file in files:
input_file = fileutils.as_posixpath(input_file)
results.append(scan_one(input_file, copyright, license, info, verbose))
for input_file in files:
input_file = fileutils.as_posixpath(input_file)
results.append(scan_one(input_file, copyright, license, info, verbose))

if format == 'html':

elif format == 'html-app':
output_file.write(as_html_app(results, input, output_file))
except HtmlAppAssetCopyWarning:
click.secho('\nHTML app creation skipped when printing to terminal.',
except HtmlAppAssetCopyError:
click.secho('\nFailed to create HTML app.', fg='red')

elif format == 'json':
meta = OrderedDict()
meta['scancode_notice'] = acknowledgment_text_json
meta['scancode_version'] = version
meta['resource_count'] = len(results)
meta['results'] = results
output_file.write(json.dumps(meta, indent=2))
# This should never happen by construction
raise Exception('Unknown format: ' + repr(format))
click.secho('Scanning done.', fg='green')

def scan_one(input_file, copyright, license, info, verbose=False): # @ReservedAssignment
def scan_one(input_file, scans):
Scan one file and return scanned data.
Scan one file or directory and return scanned data, calling every scan in
the scans mapping of (scan name -> scan function).
if verbose:
click.secho('Scanning: %(input_file)s: ' % locals(), nl=False, fg='blue')
data = OrderedDict()
data['location'] = input_file
if copyright:
if verbose:
click.secho('copyrights. ', nl=False, fg='green')
data['copyrights'] = list(get_copyrights(input_file))
if license:
if verbose:
click.secho('licenses. ', nl=False, fg='green')
data['licenses'] = list(get_licenses(input_file))
if info:
if verbose:
click.secho('infos. ', nl=False, fg='green')
data['infos'] = get_file_infos(input_file)

if verbose:
click.secho('', nl=True)
for scan_name, scan_func in scans.items():
if scan_func:
scan = scan_func(input_file)
if isinstance(scan, GeneratorType):
scan = list(scan)
data[scan_name] = scan
return data

def extract_with_progress(input, verbose=False): # @ReservedAssignment
def save_results(results, format, input, output_file): # @ReservedAssignment
Extract archives and display progress.
Save results to file or screen.
if verbose:
for xev in extract_archives(input, verbose=verbose):
if not xev.done:
click.secho('Extracting: ' + xev.source + ': ', nl=False, fg='green')
if xev.warnings or xev.errors:
click.secho('done.', fg='red' if xev.errors else 'yellow')
click.secho('done.', fg='green')
extract_results = []
# only display a progress bar
with click.progressbar(extract_archives(input, verbose=verbose), show_pos=True) as extractions:
for xevent in extractions:
# display warnings/errors at the end
for xev in extract_results:
if xev.warnings or xev.errors:
if xev.warnings or xev.errors:
click.secho('Extracting: ' + xev.source + ': ', nl=False, fg='green')
click.secho('done.', fg='red' if xev.errors else 'yellow')

def display_extract_event(xev):
for e in xev.errors:
click.secho(' ERROR: ' + e, fg='red')
for warn in xev.warnings:
click.secho(' WARNING: ' + warn, fg='yellow')
assert format in formats
if format == 'html':

elif format == 'html-app':
output_file.write(as_html_app(results, input, output_file))
except HtmlAppAssetCopyWarning:
click.secho('\nHTML app creation skipped when printing to terminal.',
err=True, fg='yellow')
except HtmlAppAssetCopyError:
click.secho('\nFailed to create HTML app.', err=True, fg='red')

elif format == 'json':
meta = OrderedDict()
meta['scancode_notice'] = acknowledgment_text_json
meta['scancode_version'] = version
meta['resource_count'] = len(results)
# TODO: add scanning options to meta
meta['results'] = results
output_file.write(json.dumps(meta, indent=2))

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