Project that aims at creating a game engine in JavaScript using Megaman 2 on NES as guide. WebGL is used as renderer and despite Megaman 2 being a 2D game it is run in 3D space using THREE.js as 3D lib.
Deployed at
This project have generated the SnakeSilk Game Engine and the following libraries:
snakesilk-engine Simple game engine providing game Entity, Timer, Scene, etc.
snakesilk-xml-loader Loader creating entities and scenes from XML.
megaman-kit Components for creating Megaman games.
Follow the project blog at
Clone repo.
git clone cd megamanjs
Install dependencies
yarn install
Start; should open game in a browser.
yarn start
Make sure you are running Node.js
>= 7
. Installation instructions for your platform can be found at --version
Install dev dependencies.
cd megamanjs yarn install
Run test suite.
yarn test
The test suite begins with running a Mocha unit test in Node. After that a Chrome window should open and run a browser test.
Contributions are welcome.