This is an experimental Nix project for integrating the most interesting / important projects in the Ethereum ecosystem as Nix packages / NixOS modules.
Many of the packages found ~~~~here will be added to nixpkgs
repository once they're stable / mature enough. But for some others, more experimental ones, they can reside here.
This project is developed entirely in Nix Flakes.
As a flake (recommended)
inputs = {
ethereum-nix = {
url = "github:nix-community/ethereum.nix";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
outputs = { self, ethereum-nix, nixpkgs }: {
nixosConfigurations.nixos = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
({ pkgs, ... }: {
nixpkgs.overlays = [ ethereum-nix.overlays.default ];
As an overlay
# configuration.nix
{ pkgs, ... }: {
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(import "${fetchTarball ""}/overlays.nix")
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
# <...>
If you're on NixOS, chances are you know what you're doing. If you don't have installed direnv
, clone this repository and when entering inside the folder, just execute nix develop
. It will load a devShell
environment ready to be used.
Optional: install direnv, so whenever you enter inside the directory, it will run nix develop
for you automatically.
To get started, run the following:
$ curl -L | sh
- Clone this repository and when entering inside the folder, just execute
nix develop
. It will load adevShell
environment ready to be used.
Optional: install direnv, so whenever you enter inside the directory, it will run nix develop
for you automatically.
To serve the docs run , docs-serve
. You can edit the docs in ./docs
To build the docs run , docs-build
. The output will be inside of ./result
To run all tests you can use nix flake check
, it will build all packages and run all tests.
To execute a specific test you can use , test -h
which will provide more information.
You can manually format using the format
command like so:
, fmt
Note: every command has a local and a remote variant. The local variant requires that the command is run from within the cloned repo. The remote variant can be run from wherever.
Local: nix run .#my-app-name
Remote: nix run github:nix-community/ethereum.nix#my-app-name
For brevity and consistency, all the commands are listed in the local variant
- prysm:
- beacon-chain:
nix run .#prysm-beacon-chain
- client-stats:
nix run .#prysm-client-stats
- prysmctl:
nix run .#prysm-ctl
- validator:
nix run .#prysm-validator
- beacon-chain:
- teku:
nix run .#teku
- lighthouse:
nix run .#lighthouse
- besu:
nix run .#besu
- erigon:
nix run .#erigon
- geth:
- abidump:
nix run .#abidump
- abigen:
nix run .#abigen
- bootnode:
nix run .#bootnode
- clef:
nix run .#clef
- devp2p:
nix run .#devp2p
- ethkey:
nix run .#ethkey
- evm:
nix run .#evm
- faucet:
nix run .#faucet
- geth:
nix run .#geth
- rlpdump:
nix run .#rlpdump
- abidump:
- vouch:
nix run .#vouch
- mev-boost:
nix run .#mev-boost
- web3signer:
nix run .#web3signer
- dirk:
nix run .#dirk
- ethdo:
nix run .#ethdo
We provide modules for configuring and running various services. Some process arguments have been nix'ified. For those
which aren't there is typically and an extraArgs
array that can be passed to the process.
services.ethereum.geth.mainnet = {
enable = true;
openFirewall = true;
service.supplementaryGroups = [];
services.ethereum.geth.goerli = {
enable = true;
openFirewall = true;
args = {
network = "goerli";
dataDir = "/data/ethereum/goerli/geth";
authrpc.jwtsecret = sops.secrets.geth_jwt_secret.path;
service.supplementaryGroups = [];
services.ethereum.prysm.beacon.mainnet = {
enable = true;
args = {
jwt-secret = secrets.prysm_jwt_secret.path;
service.supplementaryGroups = [];
services.ethereum.prysm.beacon.goerli = {
enable = true;
args = {
network = "goerli";
dataDir = "/data/ethereum/goerli/prysm-beacon";
jwt-secret = secrets.prysm_jwt_secret.path;
service.supplementaryGroups = [];
checkpoint.sync-url = "";
genesis.beacon-api-url = "";
services.ethereum.erigon.sepolia = {
enable = true;
openFirewall = true;
args = {
chain = "sepolia";
datadir = "/data/ethereum/sepolia/erigon";
http = {
enable = true;
addr = "";
api = ["eth" "erigon" "engine" "sealer" "net"];
vhosts = ["localhost" "dione"];
Some crypto projects may need specific libraries to be available to compile properly. Below you can find the list of included ones:
We welcome any kind of contribution or support to this project but before to do so:
- Make sure you have read the contribution guide for more details on how to submit a good PR (pull request).
In addition you can always:
- Add a GitHub Star 🌟 to the project.
- Tweet about this project.
This project has been inspired by the awesome work of:
by Informal Systems which this repository takes inspiration on it's README and several other places. -
willruggiano on his work done in
repository that served as the initial kick-start for working on this project.