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All the Media is Uploaded and Accesed Dynamically using Cloud Storage , Thus Making it a Beautiful, Dynamic, & Interactive Social Networking application.
Sneaky features of PicStagram ✅ :
- ⭐ Create Your Profile
- ⭐ LOgin & SignUp using Jwt token Authentication
- ⭐ Upload And Edit Your Display Profile
- ⭐ Create a new Post to be featured on the Wall
- ⭐ Like Others Post
- ⭐ Comment on Others Post
- ⭐ Real-time display of Followers and Followings
- ⭐ Follow and Unfollow Other Users
- ⭐ Delete Your Post
❓ Database : MongoDB
❓ Frontend : ReactJs , Materialize-Css , Html and CSS
❓ Server -side : NodeJs , ExpressJs
❓ Authentication : Token Based Authentication
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