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Table of Contents


  • Gateway Kit
  • POKT
  • Sign-in-with-Ethereum


  • Postgres
  • Prisma
  • Prometheus


The PORTERS POKT RPC Gateway is build using golang for proxy, javascript for the frontend and backend. The portal, consisting of frontend and backend, requires node.js and you may follow our implementation design by using pnpm for package management, however, you may use other package managers if you desire.


  • required environment variables (can set in .env for docker compose)
    • API_ENDPOINT: build arg for frontend to backend API
    • NEXT_PUBLIC_WALLETCONNECT_PROJECT_ID: walletconnect project ID
    • PROM_URL: URL to Prometheus metrics api (scraped from instances)
    • PROM_TOKEN: Auth token for accessing Prometheus metrics
    • DATABASE_URL: connection string for postgres database (portal schema)
    • ONEINCH_API_KEY: key for price data from 1inch
    • OX_API_KEY: key for 0x protocol for swaps
    • RPC_KEY: RPC key for event listener
    • SESSION_SECRET: Encryption secret for SIWE sessions
    • HOST: RPC proxy host that wildcard subdomain is attached to
    • JOB_BUFFER_SIZE: size of worker pool
    • NUM_WORKERS: count of workers for pool
    • REDIS_URL: connection string to Redis instance
    • PROXY_TO: base URL of Gateway Server
    • ALTRUIST_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: see Gateway Server docs
    • CHAIN_NETWORK: see Gateway Server docs
    • EMIT_SERVICE_URL_FROM_METRICS: see Gateway Server docs
    • ENVIRONMENT_STAGE: see Gateway Server docs
    • HTTP_SERVER_PORT: see Gateway Server docs
    • POKT_RPC_TIMEOUT: see Gateway Server docs
    • SESSION_CACHE_TTL: see Gateway Server docs
    • API_KEY: see Gateway Server docs
    • DB_CONNECTION_URL: postgres connection string (gateway server schema)
    • POKT_APPLICATIONS_ENCRYPTION_KEY: see Gateway Server docs
    • POKT_RPC_FULL_HOST: see Gateway Server docs
  • docker compose


  • allows for shorter dev iteration (over docker)

See the justfile for further information. You can run the just commands to see which components you can run how.

  • justfile
    • just build to build just to list other available commands
    • run from root directory or navigate into specific components


Once you installed the PORTERS POKT RPC Gateway, you can use the PORTERS portal for generating RPC endpoints.

In the proxy is the file main.go that is used for configuration. It allows you to configure rate limiting and other core functionalities of an RPC service.


We welcome contributions from outside contributors. For contributing, please fork the repository and open a pull request with the proposed changes.

All contributions shall be made to the develop branch. Contributions may then be merged into master.

In the future, more stringent contribution rules may be put in place at the sole descretion of the PORTERS core team.


  • MIT Licence